Brunch/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Brunch.
See also changes related to Brunch, or pages that link to Brunch or to this page or whose text contains "Brunch".

Parent topics

  • Food [r]: Any edible substance ingested (eaten) by living creatures for the purpose of obtaining energy and nutrients and so sustaining life. [e]
  • Cooking [r]: The act of using heat to prepare food for eating. Cooking may also be said to occur by certain cold-preparation methods. [e]
  • Cuisine [r]: A specific set of cooking traditions and practices, often associated with a specific culture. [e]
  • Breakfast [r]: The traditional first meal of the day. [e]
  • Lunch [r]: Add brief definition or description


  • Morning tea [r]: A Commonwealth (particularly Australian) term for a light mid-morning meal intended as a break from working. [e]
  • English breakfast [r]: A meal generally consisting of four elements: egg, tomato, baked beans, and bacon or sausage. [e]
  • Full Irish breakfast [r]: A meal generally consisting of at least five elements: fried pork sausages, bacon rashers, fried egg, toasted bread, and tea. [e]

Other related topics