User:Louise Valmoria

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Revision as of 23:05, 24 February 2008 by imported>Louise Valmoria (updating some of my internal reference links)
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Louise Valmoria is a student of Bachelor of Sciences and Arts at the University of Melbourne. She is also now studying an LLB with the University of London with a focus on EU and international law, and human rights.

Experience is of a 'jack of all trades' sort. Her most substantial blocks of 'real world' employment (6 months to several years, often working more than one job at the same time) are in recruitment, infrastructure, electrical transmission, industrial real estate, and logistics and transport. Roles range from your friendly receptionist, to project coordination, to database programming.

She has performed some field work and analysis, research as well as administration activities to support the work of the IEEE SC3 committee (investigating the effects of Extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic waves on the human body), under the supervision of one of the SC3 co-chairs. Currently she works with the International Public Health section of a non-profit organisation, in the Monitoring and Evaluation team that is developing health education plans for children and young adults in developing countries.

Louise is also the Citizendium's Mailing List Manager. This role requires the creation and maintenance of workgroup mailing lists, which support the writing and organisational efforts of our authors and editors.

Working with Citizendium

I thoroughly enjoy research, and one of the best ways I learn is to write about it (CZ:Article Mechanics). Encouraged to write by the CZ:Monthly Write-a-Thon, right now I am trying to focus on supporting the CZ:Core Articles initiative as well as kicking off collaborative articles where I can.

My hobbies and interests include literature, poetry, art history, architecture, travelling to far-flung places and coming up with rather off-the-wall life projects (such as translating old manuscripts--note that this requires a deep understanding of the languages I am trying to read so I already know this will take my whole life--or observing the behaviours of ducks. The duck study is a long story, but an excellent example). I am proficient in several languages other than English; my two strongest languages would be French and Czech. I have particular interests in media history, intellectual history, history and philosophy of science, and Central European history; though I read anything I please.

I also play the violin. Although I began lessons later in life it turns out I'm actually not that bad at it, and this has deepened my interest in music, its mechanics and its history in a way that learning the piano as a child somehow didn't. I learned a mixture of French and Russian styles from a really excellent Romanian violin teacher, but have not performed recently aside from examination settings.

All this aside, I am not an 'expert' in any one field. Just a supportive contributor and a wide reader, in effect one of the 'general public'. I feel that right now I can best work with Citizendium through a support role and kicking off articles where I can--may as well put my massive library to good use.

Currently reading:

Resurrection - Leo Tolstoy

Obsessive Genius - Barbara Goldsmith (biography of Marie Curie)

The French poems of Rainer Maria Rilke - dual translation, translated by A. Poulin Jr.

Il Pendolo di Foucault - Umberto Eco

Анна Каренина - Лев Толстой / Anna Kareninovà - Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj (Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, in Russian, Czech)

Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius - Niccolo Machiavelli

And let's not forget my textbooks, and my science journals of reference: Science, Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Medicine ... yep, someone's swamped by subscriptions here.

Louise's Userplan My Sandbox

Mailing Lists

As Mailing List Manager my current role involves setting up and administering an increasingly large amount of mailing lists, which means I need to keep an eye on Citizendium Workgroups as well as other initiatives which may require extra support.

Mailing Lists - Workgroups section for reference when updating the mailing lists record
Workgroup Mailing Lists (Mailman page for my reference)

I have a couple of statistics regarding Mailing List usage and growth--nothing on the par of the CZ:Statistics page, however--but it provides an interesting baseline on the growth and development of Citizendium in its first year of organisation.

Sandbox - Mailing List Statistics


Wikitext may seem daunting to the new user, but for budding contributors there is a way to help. The Wikiconversion team is a group of volunteers who are able and willing to convert documents from .txt or .doc files into the required format for Citizendium. This is a service that we are offering to those who would like to contribute, but are unsure of how to deal with wikicode. Currently, this initiative is in the process of being set up.

If you are familiar with wikicode and willing to help, interested volunteers can sign up here. The initiative is led by Anthony.Sebastian.

Update: The Wikiconversion initiative has kicked off! Thanks to Anthony Sebastian for leading the charge and for Citizendium's excellent volunteers.

How is it done? CZ:Email us an article in word processor format

This project has been officially launched!

General Administration

CZ:Unchecklisted Articles--assist where I can with clearing the backlog!

No approval page--quick way of assisting with unchecklisted articles; these are the ones that just haven't had their approval page saved

Unexpected template errors - a good way to fix articles and also learn more about the subpage process


I learn languages like they're going out of fashion (and, if you look at statistics of endangered and extinct languages, they probably are). My main languages other than English are French, Czech, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Italian; and I have some facility in other languages (Scandavian based and regional dialects).


The Forum

The Internationalisation List

There is now discussion about CZ International in the Proposals Queue: see discussion in the Proposals: Internationalisation Sandbox.

Infomation About CZ and Copyright

CZ:Media Assets Workgroup

Pages for my Reference

How to add optional subpages (i.e. works pages): Additional Subpages Instructions Exactly when and where a 'stub' article can be graduated to a 'developing' article: All about the Article Checklist.