Giving circles/Bibliography

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Bearman, J. E. (2007). More giving together: The Growth and impact of giving circles and shared giving. Washington, DC: Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers. Retrieved April 28, 2008 from:
Beeson, M. J. E. (2006, August). Women’s giving circles: A case study in higher education philanthropy. Unpublished dissertation. Indiana University.
Clohesy, S. J. (2004). Donor circles: Launching & leveraging shared giving. Retrieved February 20, 2005 from
Eikenberry, Angela M. Giving Circles : Philanthropy, Voluntary Association, and Democracy Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009.
Eikenberry, A. M. (2006). Giving circles: Growing grassroots philanthropy. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35, 517-532.
Eikenberry, A. M. (2007). Philanthropy, voluntary association and governance beyond the state: Giving circles and challenges for democracy. Administration & Society, 39, 857-882.
Eikenberry, A. M. (2008). Giving circles and fundraising in the new philanthropy environment. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 19, 141-152
Frumkin, Peter. Strategic Giving : The Art and Science of Philanthropy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Ginn, Janet K. The Circle of Giving : Donor's Stories of Wisdom. 1st American pbk. ed. Little Rock, AR: Eudora Press, LLC, 2006.
Guthrie, K., Preston, A., & Bernholz, L. (2003). Transforming philanthropic transactions: An evaluation of the first five years at Social Venture Partners Seattle. Retrieved April 2004 from:
Ho, A. T. (2008, November). Asian American giving circles: Building bridges between philanthropy and our communities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Philadelphia, PA.
Howard, Ellen. Circle of Giving. 1st ed. New York: Atheneum, 1984.
Jovanovic, S., Carolone, D., & Massood, C. (2004, February). Voice and community engagement: A report of young leaders and philanthropy. Unpublished Manuscript. University of North Carolina at Greensboro. .
Lindsey, K. (2006). Racial, ethnic, and tribal philanthropy: A scan of the landscape. Washington, DC: The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers.
Moody, M. (2008, November). Becoming a venture philanthropist-Part I: Findings from a survey of Social Venture Partners in the United States and Canada. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Philadelphia, PA.
Orloff, A. (2002, March). Social Venture Partners Calgary: Emergence and early stages. Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship. Retrieved April 18, 2004 from
Rutnik, T., A., & Bearman, J. (2005). Giving together: A national scan of giving circles and shared giving. Baltimore, MD: Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers. Retrieved February 18, 2005 from
Rutnik, T. A., & Beaudoin-Schwartz, B. (2003, October). Growing philanthropy through giving circles: Lessons learned from start-up to grantmaking. Retrieved April 17, 2004 from
Sbarbaro, C. (2002). Social Venture Partners replication. In The Electronic Hallway (No. F96). Retrieved April 18, 2004 from