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< CZ:Proposals
Revision as of 08:52, 21 June 2008 by imported>Larry Sanger (→‎Article task and notification list: new section)
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To start a new proposal or issue, simply click this edit link - it is recommended that you right-click the link, and select 'open in new window' to open it in a new window, so that you can continue to be able to read the instructions here in the old window. That link will provide an edit window containing a blank copy of the template which needs to be filled out in order to create a new proposal section here. Enter the details in the template, using the instructions below, and press save! That's it — it's very easy.

Here's how to fill it out:

  1. Brief descriptive title. Make this brief, because it will be part of a page title. If you are raising an issue (ask for a decision among two or more options), please word the title as a question. Note: this exact same text goes in the Subject/headline box, too.
  2. Summary of proposal. Limited to 100 words.
  3. Name and date of original proposer: write four tildes ~~~~
  4. Username of driver. If you, write three tildes ~~~; if someone else, specify. This is the person who makes sure the proposal moves along from step to step in its development. If the "driver" is left blank, and no one volunteers to be driver, your proposal may be moved to the "discarded" queue. The driver should get familiar with the proposals system policy page.
  5. Next step. The next thing you need to do to move the proposal toward reality. Not sure what to write? Hints here.
  6. Target date for next step. A date the driver commits to, for completing the next step. If you drop the ball, the proposal may become driverless.
  7. (Optional) Notes. Brief salient remarks. Bear in mind the bulk of the info about the proposal doesn't go here but on the (much bigger) proposal page. A handy link to the proposal page will pop up after you save the template.

Optional next step for proposers. This is optional, and you can leave it to the driver. Follow the "complete proposal" link you'll find at the bottom of your new proposal box. On that page, you can elaborate the proposal or issue, link to pre-existing discussions, and generally say whatever you think needs to be said in order to get the proposal adopted (or the issue decided) and implemented. That's generally where to follow the progress of your proposal. (Guidelines are available.)

New proposals

Looking for your proposal, which used to be here? Check the list of all proposals.

If a proposal here does not have a "driver," it may be moved to the driverless proposals queue a week after being proposed.

Proposals System Navigation (advanced users only)

Proposal lists (some planned pages are still blank):

CZ: Revert, Block, Ignore

This proposal was moved to CZ:Proposals/Discarded on 14 June.

Moving Forward on Obscenity

This proposal was moved to CZ:Proposals/Editorial Council on 9 June.

Should we allow article specific subpages?

This proposal was moved to CZ:Proposals/Editorial Council on 9 June.

Removal of educational requirements for the Constabulary

This proposal was moved to CZ:Proposals/Constabulary on 9 June.

Disambiguation mechanics

This proposal was moved to CZ:Proposals/Editorial Council on 9 June.

Need a Subpage for Topic Informants

Summary: Topic Informants have been discussed off and on for months but nothing ever seems to be done about it. At Larry's suggestion, I once wrote a long TI about my relations with Robert A. Heinlein. Nothing has ever been done with it, even though I have brought up the topic from time to time, and the information is buried deep within my own user page at [1]. Why shouldn't there be an optional tab called Top. Inform. at the top of the Heinlein page, so that anyone who visits that page can review the info contained therein and then, if it is deemed qualified, put some of it into the article itself? If not, then why bother to have TI pages in the first place?
Original proposer: Hayford Peirce 14:01, 21 May 2008 (CDT)
Next step:
To be done by: 21 June 2008
Notes: I don't have a clue about how to be the Driver, but I would sure appreciate someone else taking up this thankless task!
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal

Expandable sidebar

Summary: With more people using wide screen displays, more articles are looking best (i.e. how images & tables fit) in wide screen & not the 1024x768. The sidebar on the left is taking too much space for people who don't use widescreen. Let's have an expandable sidebar that shrinks when the mouse pointer is away & expands when the mouse pointer approaches.
Original proposer: Chunbum Park 08:57, 8 June 2008 (CDT) Next step: Develop the new skin, beta test it, implement it.
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal

Subpages for watchknow videos

Summary: I propose that the editorial council welcomes the new watchknow project.

In addition we will create a new subpage for videos that explain the concepts behind an article. On default videos that get awarded the price money in watchknow should appear on that subpage of an appropriate article about the topic.

Original proposer: Christian Kleineidam 16:59, 17 June 2008 (CDT) Next step: Discussion
Driver: Christian Kleineidam To be done by: 01.08.2008
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal

Article task and notification list

Summary: I propose that we start a standardized list of tasks and notifications, which can be part of the metadata template. The list would be by default unexpanded, but would be expandable from within the subpage template. The article and each subpage might have its own task list, but at least we can begin with article lists. Tasks would include items like "Add more wikilinks," and "Expand generally," and notifications would include items like "Article needs to be edited for neutrality" and "Article is controversial, please see talk page." These notices would be generated by standard codes, and all the codes would be easily/instantly available in another collapsible/expandable list.
Original proposer: Larry Sanger 08:52, 21 June 2008 (CDT) Next step: Fill in next step
Driver: Driver needed (i.e., someone familiar with the proposals system who will move it through the system) To be done by: Fill in target date for next step
Notes: I hope someone will take this on--it seems like a great idea to me. --Larry
To the proposer: please read the proposals system policy page if you want to fill out a complete proposal, not just this summary. If you don't, please ask around for someone (a "driver") to take over your proposal!
Start complete proposal