Analytic Hierarchy Process/Bibliography
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Books by Thomas L. Saaty
- The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resource Allocation, ISBN 0-07-054371-2, Thomas L. Saaty, 281 pp., 1980, McGraw-Hill International Book Company, New York. Reprinted in paperback under the title Multicriteria Decision Making – The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resource Allocation, as Vol. I of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series with a 192 page Addenda of selected papers including the Axiomatic Foundation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, ISBN 0-9620317-2-0, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA, 461 pp.,1996. This book is now out of print. It has been replaced by the book The Fundamentals of Decision Making, Vol. VI of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series.
- The original theoretical and technical book containing a rigorous treatment of the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
- Decision Making for Leaders: The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World, ISBN 534-97959-9, Thomas L. Saaty, 291 pp., 1982, Lifetime Learning Publications, Wadsworth, Inc., Belmont, California. Reprinted in paperback, ISBN 0-9620317-0-4, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA, 1988. Reprinted in paperback as Vol. II in the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, ISBN 0-9620317-8-X, 1996. Reprinted in paperback under the original title in 2008, ISBN 0-9620317-8-X.
- A practical book for those who must set priorities and make decisions. The background required is a certain level of expertise of the user in their field; this book does not require a special mathematical background and is written at the level of college level business classes.
- The Logic of Priorities: Applications in Business, Energy, Health, and Transportation, ISBN 0-89838-071-5 (Hardcover) and ISBN 0-89838-078-2 (Paperback), Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. Vargas, 299 pages, 1982, The International Series in Management Science/Operations Research, Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, Boston. Reprinted in 1991 in paperback as Vol. VII of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series by RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Wide-ranging applications of the AHP from transportation planning in the Sudan to prioritizing technologies in research to conflict resolution to resource allocation and analyzing competitive behavior.
- Analytical Planning: The Organization of Systems, ISBN 0-08-032599-8, Thomas L. Saaty and Kevin P. Kearns, 208 pp., 1985, International Series in Modern Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 7, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
- How the AHP approach to decision making relates to the philosophy of systems including complexity, systems, hierarchies and prioritization. The last half of the book presents applications of the AHP to planning and systems.
- Prediction, Projection and Forecasting: Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Economics, Finance, Politics, Games and Sports, ISBN 0-7923-9104-7, Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. Vargas, 251 pp., 1991, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
- More examples of predictions such as in the stock market, in modeling behavior in competition (chess), presidential elections and in economic forecasting such as predicting foreign exchange rates or predicting the macroeconomic effect of monetary policies.
- The Hierarchon: A Dictionary of Hierarchies, ISBN 0-9620317-5-5, Thomas L. Saaty and Ernest H. Forman, spiral-bound paperback, 426 pp., 1992, Vol. V of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA.
- A dictionary of hierarchies with each entry being comprised of an AHP model and a description of it; the models are grouped in categories: educational, government/public policy, government public/strategy, health military, non-profit, personal, planning, political, and so on.
- Fundamentals of Decision Making and Priority Theory with the Analytic Hierarchy Process, paperback, ISBN 0-9620317-6-3, First Printing, 1994, First Printing Second Edition 2000, Second Printing Second Edition 2007, Vol. VI of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA.
- This book is about the fundamental mathematical concepts of the AHP. It replaces the original 1980 book on the subject. The theory had grown considerably since 1980 and this book brings the reader up to date. It contains applications as well.
- Decision Making in Economic, Social and Technological Environments, ISBN 0-9620317-7-1, Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. Vargas, paperback, 330 pp., 1994, Vol. VII of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA. This book is now out of print.
- A collection of selected applications of the AHP on economics, social and political sciences, and technological design. This volume, along with the other volumes on the AHP in decision making on planning, conflict resolution and forecasting, rounds out the diversity of AHP application areas.
- Vol. III and IV of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA, paperback, 507 pp., 1996, two earlier hardback books reprinted and bound together in a single volume in paperback: Analytical Planning: The Organization of Systems, ISBN 0-9620317-4-7, and The Logic of Priorities: Applications in Business, Energy, Health, and Transportation, ISBN 0-9620317-3-9, A special number, ISBN 1-888603-07-0, was assigned to the double book.
- See the descriptions of these two books above.
- Models, Methods, Concepts & Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, ISBN 0-7923-7267-0, Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. Vargas, 333 pp., 2001, Kluwer’s International Series of Operations Research and Management Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
- More about the mathematical underpinnings of the AHP along with its Seven Pillars (or principles) of application; there are 21 novel applications described in detail in separate chapters.
- Group Decision Making: Drawing Out and Reconciling Differences, ISBN 1-888603-08-9. Thomas L. Saaty and Kirti Peniwati, paperback 385 pp., 2007, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA.
- How to move from individual to group decision making using a structured approach based on the AHP/ANP. Interdependence and the need for communication and changing and intangible factors have become the defining characteristics of our world and a structured decision approach that addresses these needs has become indispensable.
Books by others
In English
These books include discussions of the mathematics underlying the AHP:
- Schmoldt, Daniel L., Jyrki Kangas, Guillermo A. Mendoza and Mauno Pesonen, Eds., 2001, The Analytic Hierarchy Process in Natural Resource and Environmental Decision Making, Managing Forest Ecosystems series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7076-7
- Bhushan, Navneet, Kanwal Rai, Strategic Decision Making: Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2004, Decision Engineering Series, Springer-Verlag, London, ISBN 1-85233-756-7
- Rabbani, Simin Jalali R., Soheil Rahnemay Rabbani, 1996, Decisions in Transportation with the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Civil Engineering Department, Center of Science and Technology, Federal University of Paraibo, Brazil, ISBN 85-237-0043-9
In Spanish
Martinez, Eduardo, Mauricio Escudey, Eds., Evaluación y Decisión Multicriterio: Reflexiones y Experiencias, 1998, Editorial Universidad de Santiago, Santiago, Chile, ISBN 956-7069-28-X
- Includes a discussion of the mathematics underlying the AHP.
In German
Meixner, Oliver, Rainer Haas, 2002, Computergestützte Entscheidungs-findung: Expert Choice und AHP – innovative Werkzeuge zur Lösung komplexer Probleme, Redline Wirtschaft bei Ueberreuter, Frankfurt/Wien, ISBN 3-8323-0909-8
- Includes a discussion of the mathematics underlying the AHP.