Springfield rifle Model 1903

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This article is about Springfield rifle Model 1903. For other uses of the term Springfield, please see Springfield (disambiguation).
Springfield rifle Model 1903 manufactured in 1906.

The vintage Springfield rifle Model 1903 was the main U.S. infantry rifle (.30-06 caliber) of the First World War. It was bolt-operated from an internal magazine and had a high reputation for accuracy. M1903s remained in use for sniper rifles well into the Second World War, and "star gauge" rifles that meet close inspection standards are still used in target competition.

Its fairly slow rate of fire and small magazine made it obsolescent under World War II conditions, although until production was adequate to the U.S. Army, it was issued to the U.S. Marine Corps. It was both good and bad that its standard bullet weighed 173 grains, in contrast with the 154-grain bullet of the M1 Garand rifle of WWII. The heavier round had superior ballistics and range, but these were less likely to be needed in short-range, high-speed combat than for WWI trench warfare. A 154-grain round was also available for the Springfield rifle.

To solve the magazine size problem, the Pedersen Device was invented, although considered highly secret. It replaced the bolt handle with a large magazine holder and allowed longer continuous fire.

Springfields remain valuable to collectors, and, with suitable modifications, as hunting rifles.