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This editable Main Article is under development and subject to a disclaimer. is a web-based question-and-answers site connected to subsites WikiAnswers with its help page Asking a Question on, VideoAnswers, and others. See its sitemap.[1] It is self-described as "dedicated to providing useful answers to questions about anything."[2] It is supported by advertisements, and largely consists of copies of articles from other sites on the web, perhaps most notably Wikipedia.[3][4]

It is run by Answers Corporation, located in New York and Jerusalem. WikiAnswers was acquired by Answers Corporation in November 2006.[5]

It is ranked by Alexa as 153rd in traffic world wide and 73rd in the USA.[6]


  1. sitemap. Answers Corporation (2012). Retrieved on 2012-07-20.
  2. Company Overview. Answers Corporation (2012). Retrieved on 2012-07-20.
  3. How we do it. What we do. Answers Corporation (2012). Retrieved on 2012-07-20. “We start with 180 trusted titles from the most prestigious reference publishers, and we add our patented database technology, to give you the most comprehensive page available on a subject.”
  4. A list of sources can be found at Intellectual Property Notices. Answers Corporation (2012). Retrieved on 2012-07-20.
  5. Some limited financial information and older historical background on Answers Corporation is available with links to Answers Corporation news releases at Answers Corporation. Retrieved on 2012-07-20.
  6. Site information for Alexa: The web information company (2012). Retrieved on 2012-07-20.