User:Shawn Mikula

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I was born in southern Spain, of Hungarian and Spanish descent, moved to NJ, and then to TX, then to MD for graduate school in neuroscience at Johns Hopkins, and am now in sunny CA at the Univ of Calif, where hopefully I'll remain for awhile. I work in computational neuroscience and neuroanatomy. I am currently involved with the BrainMaps Project at the University of California, which involves online high resolution brain mapping.

With regard to research interests, I stand with one foot in computational neuroscience and another foot in neuroanatomy, with my interests residing in successfully synthesizing the two, to have precise neuroanatomical (and neurophysiological) data incorporated into realistic computational models, and vice versa, to have realistic computational models make specific predictions about the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.

Recent publications

  • Mikula S, Trotts I, Stone J, Jones EG (2007) Internet-Enabled High-Resolution Brain Mapping and Virtual Microscopy."NeuroImage" 35(1):9-15 PMID 17229579
  • Trotts I, Mikula S, Jones EG (2007) Interactive Visualization of Multiresolution Image Stacks in 3D."NeuroImage" PMID 17336095
  • Mikula S, Manger PR, Jones EG (2007) The Thalamus of the Monotremes: Cyto- and Myeloarchitecture and Chemical Neuroanatomy.
  • Mikula S, Niebur E (2007) Exact Solutions for Rate and Synchrony in Recurrent Networks.
  • Mikula S, Niebur E (2006) A Novel Method for Visualizing Functional Connectivity using Principal Component Analysis."Int J Neurosci" 116(4):419-29 PMID 16574580
  • Mikula S, Niebur E (2005) Rate and Synchrony in Feedforward Networks of Coincidence Detectors: Analytical Solution."Neural Computation" 17(4):881-902 PMID 15829093
  • Mikula S, Niebur E (2004) Correlated Inhibitory and Excitatory Inputs to the Coincidence Detector: Analytical Solution."IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks" 15(5):957-62 PMID 15484872
  • Mikula S, Niebur E (2003) Synaptic Depression leads to Nonmonotonic Frequency Dependence in the Coincidence Detector."Neural Computation" 15(10):2339-58 PMID 14511524
  • Mikula S, Niebur E (2003) The Effects of Input Rate and Synchrony on a Coincidence Detector: Analytical Solution."Neural Computation" 15(3):539-47 PMID 12625330