User:Iain C. Taylor

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Dr. Iain C. Taylor graduated from the University of Leeds (U.K.) with a B.A. (Hons.) and at the University of Toronto with an M.A. in Geography. He was a Research Co-ordinator on the Economic Atlas of Ontario project (which won the prestigious 'World's Most Beautiful Book of the Year' at the Leipzig Book Fair); an adult educator with the University of Toronto Extension Dept.; an Ontario Government regional economist and as a founder member of the social science faculty of Seneca College, North. York, Ontario.

• awarded a Canada Council fellowship for teachers and attended the University of Liverpool where he obtained a PhD in Geography with a thesis on the topic of public health, social structure and urban planning in the 19th Century. During this period he joined the tutorial staff of the Open University (the U.K.’s open university) and taught part time with them for several years and was co-author of a TV series on the city.

• Head, Social Sciences at the newly created Athabasca University in Edmonton, Alberta he became an associate professor and academic administrator at this adult, open university. His last administrative appointment there was as Director, Northern Region where he established and ran the Edmonton as well as two other branch offices serving the University’s northern and native students in Alberta. He served on many internal and external committees and boards including that of Chairman of the Western Canadian Committee on University Distance Education. In Alberta he was active in community affairs and in local political organisations concerned with urban and environmental issues. In Ottawa he served as Treasurer of the Royal Commonwealth Society.

• Chief Geographer for the National Atlas of Canada, Dept. of Energy, Mines & Resources (later Geomatics Canada, Dept. of Natural Resources) in Ottawa and was responsible for directing research and development of the National Atlas and its successor publications from within the National Atlas data base, including work on the award winning National Atlas Internet site.

I•  Manager of Conservation Programs for the Atlantic Canada Region of Environment Canada in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, which includes direction of water and alternate energy programs as well as the Atlantic Canada Action Program (ACAP) of community based environmental programs - the Regions’ major eco-system initiative. He took an early retirement from the Government a few years ago and since then has been busy writing, researching and volunteering.

His research and teaching interests lie in the areas of urban and social aspects of the Canadian environment, as well as historical geography, cartography and in Third World adult education and training. He has provided consultation assistance on adult education and extension programs to several institutions and agencies in Africa and Asia. He has also acted as a professional consultant in the fields of community development, environmental, heritage and regional planning in Canada and abroad

He was adjunct professor at Carleton University; the School of Resource & Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University; and a Visiting Prof. with John Moores University, Liverpool, England and has taught at the Canada Centre for Management Development at Gatineau, Quebec and at St Mary’s University , Halifax, NS,

He has published or presented over 50 articles, chapters, research reports, teaching units, TV programs, papers, etc. and is a member of several academic and professional associations in his field.