User:Aleta Curry/CZ registration page

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Join us! It's quick and easy!

Per Daniel's and Matt's comments on the forum, reworking stuff from here:

All are welcome. The first step is to fill out an application, and here's how:

First, decide whether you're going to be an Author or an Author and an Editor. Most people are authors, and there are no special requirements for authors. Editors, however, have extra work to do. They assure the quality of the Citizendium's approved content; they are required to review and evaluate articles and they are responsible for:

  1. approving high-quality articles that treat their topics adequately;
  2. resolving disputes over specific content matters when requested;
  3. enforcing style and content guidelines as established by the Editorial Council; and
  4. identifying incorrect or poorly presented content.

So before you apply to become an Editor, be sure you have the time to do so and that you are willing to have people contact you for help and advice. Editors do not handle management or behavioural issues.

Editors' expertise in some field of knowledge — obtained through education or experience is recognized and formally acknowledged by the community. Because of this, the Editor application is more involved that the Author application.

The boring bit

NOTE: IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL APPLICANTS USE THEIR FULL, CORRECT NAME IN FILLING OUT THIS REQUEST. If your full name is Richard A. Q. Smith, you may register, for example, as Richard Smith, R. Askew Smith, or R.A.Q. Smith, whichever name you most commonly use, and which we can verify, but you may NOT register as Dicky Smith, Wordsmith, or just Richard or just Smithy. If you have a bona fide reason for using an alias, such as a pen name or stage name, you can explan this in your application.

If you have any concerns about this requirement, you might wish to review our privacy policy and the various Editorial Council rulings and Management Council rulings. From these you will see that we are responsible volunteers. We won't abuse your private information and email address and we make an effort to ensure the contribution environment at Citizendium is both professional and free from personal animus.

All authors must agree to be bound by the CZ Charter, which you can read here.

How to go about applying

Authors (i.e., most people): fill out and submit the form below. A constable will review your information and likely reply within 48 hours (often much less). When your account is set up, you'll receive an e-mail to enable you to log in at Special:Userlogin.

Editor applicants: fill out the form below and

  1. tick off your area(s) of accredited expertise in the form field where indicated
    1. include two further items: a CV or resume attached (or linked), as well as some links to Web material that tends to support the claims made in the CV, such as conference proceedings, or a departmental home page. These additional requirements may be fulfilled by a CV that is hosted on an official work Web page. If you lack a current CV, lists of publications or other such documents that establish your expertise may be suitable. When your editorship is approved, you'll receive an e-mail to enable you to log in at Special:Userlogin. If you're not approved as an editor, you might still be approved as an author.

If there is any problem submitting your account request, email the Constabulary at Be sure to check your spam folder if you don't get a mail confirming your e-mail address!