Keats's poems of 1820

The poems which John Keats published in 1820 under the title of Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St Agnes and other poems are the summit of his poetic achievement. They provoked little of the criticism which had greeted his less mature publications, and are recognised as among the great works of English literature.
List of the poems
The contents of the volume are, in order:
- Three narrative poems: Lamia; Isabella, or the Pot of Basil; and The Eve of St Agnes
- Three odes: To a Nightingale; On a Grecian Urn; and To Psyche
- Four poems in jogging heptasyllabic couplets: Fancy; Ode ("Bards of Passion and of Mirth", on the supposed afterlife of Beaumont and Fletcher); Lines on the Mermaid Tavern (on a similar theme); and Robin Hood
- Two further odes: To Autumn and On Melancholy
- The stub of the uncompleted epic Hyperion, ending in the middle of a sentence part way through Book III. This was accompanied by an "Advertisement" that it was included at the publishers' insistence.
The three complete narrative poems
Keats's densely descriptive style was not well suited to narrative verse, but the three complete narrative poems in this book succeed because their effect depends on evoking atmosphere and rich depictions rather than carrying forward a plot or showing character through action.
Lamia is based on a tale Keats found in Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, concerning a young man bewitched by the illusions of a snake in woman's form. She is detected by the philosopher Apollonius, and the detection breaks the spell. Keats enlarged the story with introductory material which shows the snake obtaining her wish by gratifying the god Hermes, though the plot remains very slight. The poem is in heroic couplets with the occasional alexandrine, but the verse flows smoothly and effectively.
Isabella, or the Pot of Basil proclaims that it is a tale from Boccaccio. Isabella's lover, Lorenzo, is murdered by her brothers so that she can make an advantageous marriage. His ghost comes in a dream and tells her of his grave, and she removes the head of the corpse which she places in a pot of basil. The brothers grow suspicious of her weeping over the pot and discover the head. They flee and Isabella dies. The poem, in ottava rima, has more incident than the other two, and is on the whole colourful and successful; but Keats's verse, always in danger of toppling over into the ludicrous, occasionally fails to keep its balance, as when a strong and vivid condemnation of the merchant brothers' exploitative trading is followed by a bathetic rhetorical question about their pride.
The Eve of St Agnes, which has the least incident, is the most completely successful. The setting is vaguely medieval. On a bitterly cold night Porphyro enters the house of his enemies, where revelry is in progress, and, with the help of an old woman, makes off with his love Madeline. The poem is in Spenserian stanzas, which Keats handles confidently, evoking strong images.