User:Anthony.Sebastian/Proposal to recruit academics
This is a draft in User space, not yet ready to go to Citizendium's main space, and not meant to be cited. The {{subpages}} template is designed to be used within article clusters and their related pages.
It will not function on User pages.
- Draft proposal begins here. Edit to improve:
This draft proposal aims to develop, within Citizendium main space, a private space where academics, and other agreed-upon specialists, could, individually or in collaborative groups of their choosing, contribute to Citizendium individual articles or groups of related articles. Those articles would remain closed to editing by other uninvited citizens. The articles produced by those academics/specialists will appear as Main Articles in clustered format, i.e., with subpages.
The articles produced by those academics/specialists will be subject to approval status through peer-review by appropriate Editors (n=3), including external non-Citizendium experts if deemed necessary.
An appropriate banner will head those articles, the banner indicating author, academic/specialist position (e.g., Jon Smit, Professor of Cognitive Science, University of California, Berkeley). If a collaborative group writes an article, all contributors will be named with title and affiliation.
The banner will indicate that the article is closed to editing by uninvited Citizens, who otherwise may ask questions, make comments, suggestions on the Talk page. If technically feasible, a second Talk page could be provided for exclusive use of the academics/specialists, for discussions among themselves.
How does this offer advantages to over existing "Signed Articles" subpages
Academics/specialists would feel more honored if their contributions appeared as main articles. Existing signed articles live within an already existing article cluster, and, as a result appear as an appendage to the main article. Moreover, there may not be no main article suitable for an academic/specialist to append her/his articles to.
Also, as main articles, the academic/specialist can exploit the full potential that the subpages offer for enhancing their article.
What if one or more Citizens wanted to write an article on the same topic?
Nothing restricts any Citizen(s) from preparing an article on the sametopic. If the two articles had exactly the same title, one would be named Topic (academic/specialist), Topic (wiki authors), or some other such way to distinguish them.
Search would lead the user to a Disambiguation page that would inform the user of the two versions, with appropriate commentary about each article.