
Percentiles are statistical parameters which describe the distribution of a (real) value in a population (or a sample). Roughly speaking, the k-th percentile separates the smallest k percent of values from the largest (100-k) percent.
Special percentiles are the median (50th percentile), the quartiles (25th and 75th percentile), and the deciles (the k-th decile is the (10k)-th percentile). Percentiles are special cases of quantiles: The k-th percentile is the same as the (k/100)-quantile.
The value x is k-th percentile if
In this definition, P is a probability distribution on the real numbers. It may be obtained either
- from a (theoretical) probability measure (such as the normal or Poisson distribution, or
- from a finite population where it expresses the probability of a random element to have the property,
i.e., it is the relative frequency of elements with this property (number of elements with the property divided by the size of the population),or - from a sample of size N where it also is the relative frequency which is used to estimate the corresponding percentile for the population from which it was taken.
Special cases
For a continuous distribution (like the normal distribution) the k-th percentile x is uniquely determined by
In the general case (e.g., for discrete distributions, or for finite samples) it may happen that the separating value has positive probability:
or that there are two distinct values for which equality holds such that
Then every value in the (closed) intervall between the smallest and the largest such value
is a k-th percentiles.
The following examples illustrate this:
- Take a sample of 101 values, ordered according to their size:
- .
- Then the unique k-th percentile is .
- If there are only 100 values
- .
- Then any value between and is a k-th percentile.
Example from the praxis:
Educational institutions (i.e. universities, schools...) frequently report admission test scores in terms of percentiles.
For instance, assume that a candidate obtained 85 on her verbal test.
The question is: How did this student compared to all other students?
If she is told that her score correspond to the 80th percentile,
we know that approximately 80% of the other candidates scored lower than she
and that approximately 20% of the students had a higher score than she had.