Circadian rhythms and appetite/Bibliography
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Mendoza J. & Challet E. (2009) Brain Clocks: From the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei to a Cerebral Network. The Neuroscientist 15: 5 (“The daily variations of physiology and behavior are controlled by a highly complex system comprising of a master circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus, extra-SCN cerebral clocks, and peripheral oscillators…. pathophysiological alterations of internal timing that are deleterious for health may result from internal desynchronization within the network of cerebral clocks.”)
Escobar C. et. al (2009) Peripheral oscillators: the driving force for food-anticipatory Activity. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 1665–1675 (“In this review, which is aimed especially at discussing the contribution of the peripheral oscillators, we have put together the accumulating evidence that the clock gene machinery as we know it today is not sufficient to explain food entrainment… food entrainment is initiated by a repeated metabolic state of scarcity that drives an oscillating network of brain nuclei in interaction with peripheral oscillators.”)
Mistleberger E. & Marchant E. (1999) Enhanced Food-Anticipatory Circadian Rhythms in the Genetically obese Zucker Rat. Physiology & Behaviour 66(2): 329-335 (“…the central actions of leptin may mediate the inhibitory effects of obesity on the expression of food-anticipatory rhythms in rats, but do not mediate the inhibitory effects of ad lib food access, and do not serve as necessary internal entrainment cues or clock components for the food entrainable circadian system.”)
Mendoza J. (2006) Circadian Clocks: Setting Time by Food. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 19: 127-137 (“…the reward and motivational value of food can also be a potent synchroniser for the SCN clock. This suggests that energy metabolism and motivational properties of food can influence the clock mechanism of the SCN.")