Sound (acoustics)

Sound is the range of frequencies that can be heard by a living organism. Fundamentally, sound consists of a pattern of vibrations through some propagation medium such as a gas. Sound is most typically experienced by humans via the medium of air, but it also travels through liquids such as water and through some solids. The vibrations associated with sound can sometimes be felt as well as heard, e.g. when a heavy vehicle passes close by.
Sound moves through a medium as a wave, much like ripples on the surface of a pond as viewed from the side. A wave can be measured in terms of both frequency and amplitude, with the frequency being how close together the waves are, and the amplitude being the maximum distance from the starting point of the wave to its peak and trough. (These also correspond to 'pitch' and 'loudness', which are subjective experiences as opposed to objective physical measurements.) Movement from the starting point to the peak of a wave, down to the trough and back up to the start is referred to as a single cycle, and the number of cycles per second is equal to the frequency value in Hertz (Hz). The normal range of human hearing is about 20 to 20,000 Hz.
Sound is involved in human communication, e.g. in the perception and production of speech, as well as in non-linguistic utterances (such as cries or laughter). In linguistics, the physical mechanisms of speech are studied in the fields of acoustic, auditory and articulatory phonetics. The study of speech processing in language is a matter for disciplines including theoretical phonology and psycholinguistics.