Open Knowledge Conference/Program/Linked Open Data

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Linked Open Data
open data, linked data, open linked data, semantic web, DBpedia
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Notes and comments
Sören Auer (Univeritat Leipzig Research Group AKSW) - Linked Open Data - a technology facilitating Open Knowledge Sits on coucil of OKFN, co-founder of DBPedia technical stuff about linked data.
- -tool ecosystem - DXX< SILK, SemMF, poolparty, ontowiki, sigma, ORE, dl-learner, sindice, monetdb, virtuoso, WiQA
- create->interlink->fuse->classify->enrich->repair->create->...
- popular datatypes mapped out, but specialised ones aren't. = long tail of information domains
- RDF 101: entities, triples, content-negotiation
- State of the LInked Data Nation
- achievements: data commons, community, industrial uptake, THE vision
- Semantic Pingback
- People want to get informed when their information is referenced:
- "Linked data is the data layer for open knowledge on the web"
- standardized
- tracing provenance
- triplify
- xOperator
- dl-learner
- Cofundos
- Q&A
- [q about dbpedia]
- [didn't hear]
- Ben O'Steen: semantic pingback - what about spam? how are you going to combat spam triples?
- compare pingback and trackback - with pingback, you go and check whether it actually is linking back.
- Ben O'Steen: but it is difficult! you need trusted networks