Great Recession/Timelines
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The 1980s
Financial deregulation [1], [2].
Savings and Loans crisis - failure of 296 US "Savings and Loans" mortgage lenders [3]
1990 - 2003
- Progressive discount rate cuts by Federal Reserve Bank (from 7% in 1990 t0 0.75% in 2003 [4].
- The United States housing boom begins (prices rise by 8% between 2002 and 2003)
2003 - 2006
- The Federal Reserve makes a series of discount rate increases (from 0.75% to 6.25% in 2006).
- The US housing boom continues [5] (Average 2006 house price about 70% above 2000 level)
- 25 Two of the Bear Stearns Bank's suffer losses from mortgage defaults [6].
- 6 The American Home Mortgage Corporationgoes bankrupt [7].
- 9 The French bank BNP Paribas freezes its funds because it is unable to value their mortgage-backed assets. [8]
- 13 BBC's Robert Peston reports that the Northern Rock bank was seeking help from the Bank of England.
The Northern Rock bank suffers a bank run [9]
- The US mortgage lender Countrywide is sold to Bank of America after its share price drops by 48% [10].
- The British Northern Rock bank is "nationalised [11].
- The US Bear Stearns bank is rescued following losses relating to mortgage-related assets by its hedge funds. [12]
- Bank of England announces its Special Liquidity Scheme to allow banks to swap some of their illiquid assets for liquid Treasury Bills for up to three years [13].
- US house prices fall to 20% below their 2006 peak [14].
- The government-sponsored mortgage lender Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are rescued [15].
- 7 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are nationalised [16].
- 12 The Lehman Brothers investment bankgoes bankrupt[17] with losses of up to $160 billion to holders of its unsecured bonds.