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There is extensive literature about Skat in German, but much less in English.
- International Skat
- Internationale Skatordnung. Original version of the International Skat Order, with additional explanations. Including minor amendments for clarification that were made in 2006. [German]
- Sammlung von Skatgerichtsentscheidungen. Collection of decisions by the German Skat Court. With an appendix consisting of decisions relating to tournaments and to popular rule variants. [German]
- Holger Ehmann: Ich lerne Skat. Begleitheft für einen Skatlehrgang. [German]
- Holger Ehmann: Aprendo Scat. Guia para principiantes apuntes de clase. [Spanish]
- Historical Skat rules
- Allgemeine Deutsche Skatordnung bearbeitet von K. Buhle und angenommen vom Ersten Deutschen Skat-Congreß in Altenburg. Leipzig 1886. First national German ruleset for Skat. Prescribes the conservative method of bidding by contract type and suit, although number bidding was more popular. [German]
- R. F. Foster: Foster's Skat Manual. New York 1906. Contains "The American Laws of Skat", which are similar to the German 1886 rules but prescribe bidding by number.
- Miscellaneous
- Die Geschichte des Skat.
- International Skat Wiki
- 32Karten. Skatforum
- John McLeod: Skat. Covers numerous variations including Texas Skat, Tournee Skat, Danish Skat.
- David Parlett: Skat.
- Reinar Petersen: Lærebog i kortspillet Skat.
- Skatfox. Information on folklore surrounding the game.