The electromagnetic (EM) field is of importance as a carrier of solar energy and electronic signals (radio, TV, etc.). As its name suggests, it consists of two tightly coupled vector fields, the electric field E and the magnetic field B. The Fourier expansion of the electromagnetic field is used in the quantization of the field that leads to photons, light particles of well-defined energy and momentum. Further the Fourier transform plays a role in theory of wave propagation through different media and light scattering.
In the absence of charges and electric currents, both E and B can be derived from a third real vector field, the vector potential A. In this article the Fourier transform of the fields E, B, and A will be discussed. It will be seen that the expansion of the vector potential A yields the expansions of the real fields E and B. Further the energy and momentum of the EM field will be expressed in the Fourier components of A.
Fourier expansion of a vector field
For an arbitrary real scalar function of x, with 0≤ x≤ L, the Fourier expansion is the following
![{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}f(x)&=A_{0}+\sum _{n>0}\left[A_{n}\cos({\tfrac {2n\pi }{L}}x)+B_{n}\sin({\tfrac {2n\pi }{L}}x)\right]=A_{0}+{\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{n>0}\left[(A_{n}-iB_{n})e^{2n\pi ix/L}+(A_{n}+iB_{n})e^{-2n\pi ix/L}\right]\\&=\sum _{n\geq 0}\left[f_{n}e^{2n\pi ix/L}+{\bar {f}}_{n}e^{-2n\pi ix/L}\right],\end{aligned}}}](
where the bar indicates complex conjugation and the definition of the Fourier components is obvious.
For an arbitrary real vector field F its Fourier expansion is easily generalized, it is the following:

Such an expansion, labeled by a discrete (countable) set of vectors k, is always possible when F satisfies periodic boundary conditions, i.e., F(r + p,t) = F(r,t) for some finite vector p. To impose such boundary conditions, it is common to consider EM waves as if they are in a virtual cubic box of finite volume V = L3. Waves on opposite walls of the box are enforced to have the same value (usually zero). Note that the waves are not restricted to the box: the box is replicated an infinite number of times in x, y, and z direction.
Vector potential
The magnetic field B satisfies the following Maxwell equation:

that is, the divergence of B is zero. This equation expresses the fact that magnetic monopoles (charges) do not exist (or, rather, have never been found in nature). A divergence-free field, such as B, is a also referred to as a transverse field. By the Helmholtz decomposition, B can be written as

in which the vector potential A is introduced though the curl ∇×A.
The electric field obeys one of the Maxwell equations, in electromagnetic SI units it reads,

because it is assumed that charge distributions ρ are zero. The quantity ε0 is the electric constant. Hence, also the electric field E is transverse.
Since there are no charges, the electric potential is zero and the electric field follows
from A by,

The fact that E can be written this way is due to the choice of Coulomb gauge for A:

By definition, a choice of gauge does not affect any measurable properties (the best known example of a choice of gauge is the fixing of the zero of an electric potential, for instance at infinity).
The Coulomb gauge makes A transverse as well, and clearly A is in the same plane as E. (The time differentiation does not affect direction.) So, the vector fields A, B, and E are all in the same plane.
The three fields can be written as a linear combination of two orthonormal vectors, ex and ey. It is more convenient to choose complex unit vectors obtained by a unitary transformation,

which are orthonormal,

The Fourier expansion of the vector potential reads

The vector potential obeys the wave equation,

The substitution of the Fourier series of A into the wave equation yields for the individual terms,

It is now an easy matter to construct the corresponding Fourier expansions for E and B from the expansion of the vector potential A.
The expansion for E follows from differentiation with respect to time,

The expansion for B follows by taking the curl,
![{\displaystyle \mathbf {B} (\mathbf {r} ,t)=i\sum _{\mathbf {k} }\sum _{\mu =-1,1}\left({\big [}\mathbf {k} \times \mathbf {e} ^{(\mu )}(\mathbf {k} ){\big ]}\;a_{\mathbf {k} }^{(\mu )}(t)\,e^{i\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} }-{\big [}\mathbf {k} \times {\bar {\mathbf {e} }}^{(\mu )}(\mathbf {k} ){\big ]}\;{\bar {a}}_{\mathbf {k} }^{(\mu )}(t)\,e^{-i\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} }\right).}](
Fourier-expanded energy
The electromagnetic energy density is

where μ0 is the magnetic constant.
The total energy (classical Hamiltonian) of a finite volume V is defined by



Then the classical Hamiltonian in terms of Fourier coefficients takes the form

Fourier-expanded momentum
The electromagnetic momentum, PEM, of EM radiation enclosed by a volume V is proportional to an integral of the Poynting vector S. In SI units: