Exercise and body weight/Bibliography

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Review Articles
- Magni P. et al. (2009) Feeding behavior in mammals including humans. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 1163:221-232. PMID 19456343
Primary Research Papers
1. MacLean PS et al (2009) Regular exercise attenuates the metabolic drive to regain weight after long-term weight loss. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 297(3): 793-802
2. Miyaki A et al (2009) Effect of habitual exercise on body weight and arterial function in overweight and obese men. Am. J. Cardiol. 104(6): 823-8
3. Catenacci VA., Wyatt HR. The role of physical activity in producing and maintaining weight loss. Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism. 3(7):518-29, 2007 Jul.
'Epidemiologic, cross-sectional, and prospective correlation studies suggest an essential role for physical activity in weight-loss maintenance, and post hoc analysis of prospective trials shows a clear dose-response relationship between physical activity and weight maintenance. This article reviews the role of physical activity in producing and maintaining weight loss. '
4. Donnelly JE. Blair SN. Jakicic JM. Manore MM. Rankin JW. Smith BK. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41(2):459-71, 2009 Feb.
'...we have reexamined the evidence from 1999 to determine whether there is a level at which PA is effective for prevention of weight gain, for weight loss, and prevention of weight regain. Evidence supports moderate-intensity PA between 150 and 250 min wk(-1) to be effective to prevent weight gain. Moderate-intensity PA between 150 and 250 min wk(-1) will provide only modest weight loss. Greater amounts of PA (>250 min wk(-1)) have been associated with clinically significant weight loss...However, no evidence from well-designed randomized controlled trials exists to judge the effectiveness of PA for prevention of weight regain after weight loss. Resistance training does not enhance weight loss but may increase fat-free mass and increase loss of fat mass and is associated with reductions in health risk.'
5. Reilly J J., et al. Physical activity to prevent obesity in young children: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 333:1041, 2006 Nov.
'Physical activity can significantly improve motor skills but did not reduce body mass index in young children in this trial.'