CZ:POL 214: US Political Parties and Interest Groups
Instructor: Shamira Gelbman
Office Hours: T, Th 12:30-1:30 PM in 405 Schroeder Hall
Project Description
This Eduzendium project is the first of four components of a multi-genre research and writing project (described here). In addition to writing encyclopedia articles about individual interest groups, POL 214 students will write opinion essays that use their peers' encyclopedia articles as a research springboard, letters to the editor that respond to their peers' opinion essays, and compositions that reflect on their research and writing process. Grant funding to develop this project was provided by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technologyat Illinois State University.
What We'll Be Working On
The following is a list of articles that the members of POL 214 will be working on during the Fall 2009 semester. These articles will be closed to editing by other citizens until after the conclusion of the course, though we'd appreciate hearing any comments or suggestions you might have on their respective talk subpages.
Interest group [r]: In the United States, an organization (usually non-profit) that represents its members' interests by lobbying, publishing, or other activities, and may publish information presented as expert analysis. [e]
American Association of Retired Persons [r]: A U.S. public interest group representing the interests of people over the age of fifty. [e]
American Cancer Society [r]: American Cancer Society mission statement says “The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.” [e]
American Farm Bureau [r]: "Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization governed by and representing farm and ranch families united for the purpose of analyzing their problems and formulating action to achieve educational improvement, econmomic opportunity and social advancement and, thereby, to promote the national well-being." [e]
American Federation of Teachers [r]: The American Federation of Teachers is a labor union representing 1.4 million education professionals in pre-K, primary, secondary, and higher education, related school personnel; federal, state, and local government employees; and nurses and other healthcare professionals. [e]
- Americans for Democratic Action [r]: Add brief definition or description
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Amnesty International [r]: International non-governmental organisation, founded in London in 1961, which draws attention to human rights abuses and campaigns for compliance with international standards. [e]
- Anti-Defamation League [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Arab American Institute [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Bread for the World [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Christian Coalition [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Family Research Council [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Federalist Society [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Feminist Majority Foundation [r]: Add brief definition or description
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Greenpeace [r]: An organization devoted to environmental activism, founded in the United States and Canada in 1971. [e]
- Heritage Foundation [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Human Rights Watch [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Humane Society of the United States [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- John Birch Society [r]: Add brief definition or description
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League of Women Voters [r]: "A non-partisan interest group involved in the political and civic education of women " [e]
- Marijuana Policy Project [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- NARAL Pro-Choice America [r]: Add brief definition or description
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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- National Committee for an Effective Congress [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- National Congress of American Indians [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- National Council of La Raza [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- National Immigration Forum [r]: Add brief definition or description
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National Organization for Women [r]: Add brief definition or description
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National Rifle Association [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- National Right to Life Committee [r]: Add brief definition or description
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Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Partnership for a Drug-Free America [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Project RACE [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Rock the Vote [r]: Add brief definition or description
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Sierra Club [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- USAction [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- U.S. Border Control [r]: Add brief definition or description
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Veterans of Foreign Wars [r]: Add brief definition or description
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- Violence Policy Center [r]: Add brief definition or description
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