Talk:Satanic ritual abuse

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Revision as of 22:34, 22 March 2009 by imported>Howard C. Berkowitz (→‎"Some observers")
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"Some observers"

It really isn't very helpful to add two consecutive footnotes to "some observers", with only references to apparently hard-copy books from non-academic sources, to a verifiable online press release. The additional citations, with no description of the authors or their credentials, does not add information or substantiation to the press release.

At the very least, explain who these people may be, and why they are qualified as independent supporters of the online press release, accusing Wikipedia of pedophilia. I had not explicitly said the press release was from Neil Brick's organization, to avoid the appearance of "persecution". Nevertheless, is there now a conflict of interest/Topic Informant situation here when the author of a press release, without adding his connection, starts adding sources, not easily verifiable, to support his position? Howard C. Berkowitz 19:19, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

The press release was not added by me. I have no problem if it is deleted. Neil Brick 19:22, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Oh, but I do have a problem of the press release being deleted. It is a public document by a contributor to the topic, which indicates a personal position on the subject. If I write an article on some subject, and I have presented, in public, an opinion on that subject, I believe it only fair that any Citizen be free to cite that information in that article.Howard C. Berkowitz 20:04, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
The sources are adequately described and verifiable. I can find journal articles to replace them. The sources in my edit were meant to verify "is of very serious concern to some observers" and not to verify the newly added part of the sentence to where they were moved.Neil Brick 02:17, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
Adequately described? There is no description at all. The place to which they were moved was entirely accurate: they were not writing in peer-reviewed publications, books from well-known publisher, or even sources verifiable online. If, incidentally, either are so definitive, why must there be two in a row? You will note that I use one citation for each point; if it made a better argument, I could be repetitive and redundant again.
CZ: Neutrality Policy is going to show, at least, that there are diametrically opposed views. In keeping with neutrality policy, the mainstream view is going to get relatively more emphasis. Again, I suggest you read homeopathy and look at how a minority position is described accurately. Incidentally, it might be logical to define Satan and Satanism first, assuming that there is a correlation between them and the ritual abuse theory. Howard C. Berkowitz 03:25, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

(undent) I have attempt to clarify the text, separating the sections out. Also, most of the sources were skeptical ones, so I attempted to add some balance by adding journal articles and other sources (neutrality). I was unable to find any evidence that IPT was peer reviewed. Robinson's page is definitely not peer reviewed. BTW, I did not write the press release.Neil Brick 21:04, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

The authoritative Victor publication was Sociological Perspectives (University of California Press), 41(3): 541-565 (1998). [1] An academic Citizen was able to provide the PDF from JSTOR, which I am now reading and trying to find the relationship of the IPT piece, which looks like a precursor. I'm certainly willing to try to find the exact provenance of the IPT piece; as I scan through the 1998 article, there is very similar text that I'm willing to substitute, with the caveat that it's more lengthy.
As far as the press release, I am perfectly willing to hear that someone else wrote it. Nevertheless, it appears on the S.M.A.R.T. site, where the "Debating The Non-Believers: Getting equal time for Survivors’ Views" page [[2]] states

Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published many articles on ritual abuse

There seems to be no disclaimer of the press release being an individual opinion, and the release is from S.M.A.R.T. Howard C. Berkowitz 21:40, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
I would disagree with making the quote "more lengthy." It is already fairly long. It would be better to have a peer reviewed source in its place.
I believe that any Citizen should be able to support their opinion on topics in Citizendium with appropriate sourcing, whether they have made their opinion public or not. My sources were good ones and now they are even better. If one looks at the style of writing of the press release, it is clearly different from mine here.Neil Brick 03:18, 23 March 2009 (UTC)
All right. For the record, the IPT citation, which I am replacing, is []. Howard C. Berkowitz 03:34, 23 March 2009 (UTC)