James Tytler

James Tytler (1745-1804), balloonist and writer, was born on 17 December 1745 in Scotland, at the manse at Fern, Forfarshire. He was the son of George Tytler, the minister at Fearn in Angus, and his wife, Janet Robertson. He was a man of extraordinary man at an extraordinary time in an extraordinary city; notably feckless and debt ridden, a phenomenally prolific writer, a collaborator of Robert Burns, the first Briton to make an ariel ascent in a hot-air balloon, who died drunk in America where he had fled from prosecution for his radical political views.
"The two first lines of this song [The Bonny Brucket Lassie] are all of it that is old. The rest of the song, as well as those songs in the Museum marked T, arc the works of an obscure, tippling, but extraordinary body of the name of Tytler, commonly known by the name of Balloon Tytler, from his having projected a balloon—a mortal who, though he drudges about Edinburgh as a common printer, with leaky shoes, a skylighted hat, and knee-buckles as unlike as George-by-the-grace- of-God, and Solomon-the-son-of-David, yet that same unknown drunken mortal is author and compiler of three-fourths of Elliot's pompous Encyclopaedia Britannica, which he composed at half a guinea a week!" (Robert Burns) [1] |
} Life
After an education at his local parish school, and two or three years as a surgeon’s apprentice in Forfar, Tytler went to Edinburgh to study medicine at the University. The following summer, he worked as ship’s surgeon on the Royal Bounty, a Leith whaler, in which he sailed to Greenland. He married, hastily and could not support his wife; this made it impossible to continue with his studies, so he set up business in Leith as a pharmacist. But business was poor, and in debt he fled to England, out of the reach of his creditors. He returned to Edinburgh, now with five children, and set about making a living from writing and publishing, for which he built his own printing press. ("In a small mean room, amidst the squalling and squalor of a number of children, this singular genius stood at a printer’s case, composing pages of types, either altogether from his own ideas, or perhaps with a volume before him, the language of which he was condensing by a mental process little less difficult.2)[3] About this time his wife, Elizabeth, left him to establish herself as a grocer in the Canongate area (the couple were divorced in 1788, by when Tytler had been involved in two further relationships). After a spell in the debtors' sanctuary at Holyrood Abbey (where he wrote a ballad called ‘The Pleasures of the Abbey’), he found employment in editing the second edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He went on to compile the third edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, enlarging it to ten volumes between 1776 and 1784. While he earned from this barely enough to live, the proceeds of the third edition amounted to forty-two thousand pounds. BallooningHe spent these years at Duddingston, lodging with a washerwoman, whose upturned tub he used as a writing desk. While researching for an appendix on Air Balloons, his interest piqued by the Montgolfier brothers' successful balloon flight at Versailles in September 1783, and he set about constructing his own ‘Grand Edinburgh Fire Balloon’. At that time, Edinburgh had a building nicknamed "the largest pigeon-house in Europe" - the partly built Register House on Princes Street, the unfinished dome of which offered shelter and support for his 40- foot tall balloon. He advertised the public ascent, to be held at Comely Garden on 6 August 1784, but his attempts were foiled by either technical problems or the weather. The press attacked him, and the mob attacked his balloon. He tried again on Wednesday 25 August. He inflated the balloon early in the morning, left the fire burning for another hour, stepped into his basket, and was released. According to the Edinburgh Evening Courant "the balloon, together with the projector himself, and basket in which he sat, were fairly floated". Two days later he had even greater success, "navigating the atmosphere" for about half a mile, and on the 31st he made another ascent, this time crashing before hundreds of paying spectators at Edinburgh's Comely Gardens. Thus were the first flights from British soil, predating both Vincenzo Lunardi (1759 - 1806) and Sadler.
Published Works
Tytler was the author of many anonymous works and of popular songs, including " I ha'e laid a Herring in Saut," [4] or '" I canna Come ilka Day to Woo," and " The Pleasures of the Abbey." His publications include "Essays on the Most Important Subjects of Natural and Revealed Religion," which he set in type without manuscript in Holyrood (Edinburgh, 1772) ; "System of Geography" (1788) ; "History of Edinburgh"; "Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar" (2 vols.): " Review of Dritchken's Theory of Inflammation"; " Answer to Paine's 'Age of Reason'";" On the Excise "; "System of Surgery" ; and "Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever" (Salem, 1799) Tytler is also thought to be the author of Ranger's Impartial List Of the Ladies of Pleasure in Edinburgh (With a preface by a Celebrated Wit), anonymously published in 1775 as a guide to the prostitutes of the city.[5] References