Crash of 2008

This article presents preliminary accounts of the sequence of events leading to the 2007-2008 financial crisis, of rival explanations for the crisis, of possible contributory factors, and of proposed remedies.
A detailed account of the sequence of events is set out on the Timelines subpage, together with links to contemporary news reports. Terms shown in brackets in the text are defined on the Related Pages subpage.
The crisis
The outcomes of the 2007-2008 financial crisis included the failure of many of the world's investment banks and the development of a "credit crunch" following the 2007 interbank market collapse - after which loans were refused to many who had hitherto been considered welcome borrowers, and significantly increased interest rates were charged to others. It developed into a threat to the continued existence of many financial markets and to a consequent loss of consumer and business confidence. The sequence of events that led to those outcomes is well documented but there is, as yet, no consensus concerning causes or remedies.
In 2007, around 1.7 million properties were subject to foreclosure, many as a result of the subprime mortgage market. Also in 2007, a run occurred on the British bank and mortgage lender Northern Rock, an event not seen since the days of the Great Depression and other periods of economic downturn. In Feburary 2008, the British government bought Northern Rock.
In 2008, a number of other large banks have either gone out of business or have been sold: Lehmann Brothers declared bankruptcy in September 2008, and Merrill Lynch merged with the Bank of America in a deal worth $50 billion. The stock price of the insurance company American International Group fell 60% in one day. In the United Kingdom, Bradford & Bingley was nationalized, and other large financial companies are being nationalized all across Europe[1].
Rival explanations
A widely-held explanation of the crisis treats it as a fallout from the United States subprime mortgage crisis. For example, the explanation offered in September 2008 by the United States government can be summarised as follows.
- Inflows of money from abroad -- along with low interest rates -- enabled more United States consumers and businesses to borrow money. Easy credit -- combined with the faulty assumption that house prices would continue to rise -- led mortgage lenders there to approve loans without due regard to ability to pay, and borrowers to take out larger loans than they could afford. Optimism about prices also led to a boom in which more houses were built than people were willing to buy, so that prices fell and borrowers - with houses worth less than they expected and payments they could not afford - began to default. As a result, holders of mortgage-backed securities began to incur serious losses, and those securities became so unreliable that they could not be sold. Investment banks were consequently left with large amounts of unsaleable assets, and many failed to meet their financial obligations. Arrangements for inter-bank lending went out of use, and banks through out the world cut back upon lending [2].
An alternative put forward by a former member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee, portrays the crisis as " an accident waiting to happen" that was triggered by the subprime crisis, but could have been triggered by any of a variety of events. His alternative explanation can be summarised is as follows.
- International organisations including the International Monetary Fund, and the Bank for International Settlements, and most central banks had long been warning about a serious underpricing of risk throughout the financial system. A general belief had arisen among bankers that if their bank got into trouble, their central bank would see it as a threat to the system and act to protect them from losses. Measurement difficulties may also have resulted in mistaken risk assessments by banks and their regulators. The failure of banking regulators to take action to avert the resulting danger may have been because they lacked the necessary regulatory instruments, or it may have been due to a lack of will. Central banks would have been reluctant to take corrective action by reducing their base rates because such action might confict with action to combat inflation. [3].
This explanation thus attributes the crisis to a variety of possible causes, including shortcomings of the regulatory systems, management failures by investment banks, and the conduct of banking regulators. Neither explanation excludes the possibility that the severity of the eventual crisis might have been increased by factors other than those held to be directly responsible. While it is too soon to expect the emergence of a consensus concerning their relative influence, there is already general agreement concerning the identification of possible contributory factors.
Contributory factors
The fact that banks' assets, (which consist mainly of loans) amount typically to twenty times the value of their shares, make them especially vulnerable to falls in the value of those assets. Governments have long been aware of the danger that a loss of confidence following the failure of one bank could lead to the failure of others, and eventually to a failure of the entire banking system. To limit that danger, they have traditionally required banks to limit that multiple by the imposition of minimum reserve ratios, and have placed various other restrictions upon their activities. In the 1980s, however, it was widely considered that banking regulations were imposing excessive economic penalties, and there was a general move toward deregulation [4]. Restrictions that had prevented investment banks from broadening their activities to include branch banking, insurance or mortgage lending were dropped, and reserve requirements were relaxed or removed. There followed a widespread restructuring of national financial systems and that was followed by a series of banking crises [5]. A study for the Bank for International Settlements later concluded that financial liberalisation had left Spain, Norway, Sweden and the United States with regulatory systems that had been ill-prepared for the banking crises that they then encountered [6].
In 1974 the governors of the G10 central banks had set up The Basel Committee for Banking Supervision [7] to coordinate precautionary banking regulations [8], and in 1988, concern about the increased danger of systemic failure led that committee to publish a set of regulatory recommendations that which related a bank's required reserve ratio to the riskiness of its assets [9]. In 1999 further concern about the danger of instability led to the creation of the Financial Stability Forum [10] to promote information exchange and international co-operation in financial supervision and surveillance. In 2004 the Basel Committee published revised recommendations known as Basel II [11] intended to provide an improved accounting for investment risks in setting reserve requirements.
Other financial institutions are regulated by national authorities, including the Securities and Exchange Commission [12] in the United States, and the Financial Services Authority [13] in the United Kingdom. Until recently, however, restricted-membership hedge funds have escaped regulation, and those that are registered offshore continue to do so.
Financial innovation
Among major changes in banking practice that have developed since deregulation have been the growth of securitisation, enabling loans to be treated as assets comparable to tradeable bonds, and of the strategy known as "originate and distribute", under which banks originate loans and convert them into securities that they sell to other financial institutions such as pension funds and insurance companies. The distributed securities leave the originating banks' balance sheets and often escape regulatory requirements, but they are often transfered to hedge funds and structured investment vehicles that are themselves controlled and guaranteed by the originating banks.
A longer-term development has been a gradual change in the funding of banks' financial assets, away from liquid assets such as short term government bonds to private sector assets such as residential mortgages, and there has been a more recent trend toward the use of short-term interbank and money market borrowing to fund long-term loans.
A parallel development has been a massive expansion of hedge funds - to the point at which they are estimated to have accounted by 2005 for 40 to 50 per cent of daily activity on the London and New York stock exchanges [14]. There are now many different types of hedge funds, but many of them deal in high-risk, high-return investments and some of them adopt high levels of leverage, using borrowed money amounting to up to twenty times their capital.
Attitudes to risk
By early 2007 the regulatory authorities were expressing increased concern about banking attitudes to risk [15] [16]. According to the Financial Stability Forum, there had been an expansion "on a dramatic scale" of what they described as the "global trend of low risk premia and low expectations of financial volatility" [17]. In their view, both the banks and the rating agencies had underestimated the risks to the banks' off-balance sheet vehicles that would result from an economic downturn, and the banks had underestimated the risks arising from their commitment to those vehicles. That had been due partly to the use of standard risk-management tools that were unsuitable for the assessment of securitised products when under stress, partly to difficulties of access to information, and partly to financial incentives to fund managers that failed to take account of inadvisable risk-taking.
The subprime mortgage crisis
Serious problems in the United States subprime mortgage market emerged in 2005, and arrears and defaults grew throughout 2006. By the end of 2006 it was estimated that over two million households has either lost their homes or would do so in the course of the following two years [18], and that one in five subprime mortgages that had been taken out in the previous two years would end in foreclosure. The origins and causes of those problems are described in the article on the subprime mortgages crisis.
Global consequences
- ↑ Emily Flynn Vencat, UK government nationalizes Bradford & Bingley, The Associated Press
- ↑ Summarised from the President's television address of 25 September
- ↑ Charles Goodhart: "Explaining the Financial Crisis", Prospect, February 2008 (based on a paper prepared for The Journal of International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol 4 No 4)
- ↑ Claudio Borio and Renato Filosa: The Changing Borders of Banking, BIS Economic Paper No 43, Bank for International Settlements December 1994
- ↑ Claudia Dziobek and Ceyla Pazarbasioglu: Lessons from Systemic Banking Restructuring: a Survey of 24 Countries Working Paper No 161, International Monetary Fund, 1997
- ↑ Bank Failures in Mature Economies, Working Paper No 13, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, April 2004
- ↑ The Basel Committee for Banking Supervision
- ↑ See paragraph 5 of the article on Financial economics
- ↑ [The Basel Capital Accord (Basel I) Basel Committe for Banking Supervision 1988
- ↑ The Financial Stability Forum
- ↑ Revised International Capital Framework, (Basel II) Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2006
- ↑ The Securities and Exchange Commission (Economist backgrounder)
- ↑ The Financial Services Authority (Economist backgrounder)
- ↑ Financial Stability Report, p36, Bank of England April 2007
- ↑ Financial Risk Outlook 2007, Financial Standards Authority January 2007
- ↑ Financial Stability Report, Bank of England April 2007
- ↑ Report of the Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience, International Monetary Fund 5th February 2008
- ↑ 2006 Report of the Center for Responsible Lending (quoted in the 6th report of the House of Commoms Treasury Committee Session 2007-8, par 74 [1]