Structured Query Language

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a simple language designed for querying and managing Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). RDBMSs organize data using tables, where each table has named column(s). Each column has one datatype, and data is stored as rows intersecting with these columns and therefore satisfy the datatype of the corresponding column. For example, a student table could have two columns, student_id and student_name. If I want to insert data into this table, I would insert a row of two values, a student_id e.g. 001 and a student_name e.g. Claire. It is this concept of tables that is the basis of SQL, which has become the defacto standard adopted by most database management systems vendors. However, most vendors provide an extension to SQL to serve various functions ranging from the integration of procedural constructs to exception handling.
The syntax of a simple SQL query:
select <field names> from
where <condition(s)>;
The query above outputs the name, roll number and marks of all the students in the table studenttab who have a gpa greater than 3. Queries can be nested in order to give more specific results as desired.
select name, rollnum, totalmarks from studenttab where gpa>3;