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Vajrayana Buddhism is an esoteric practice tradition. It is one of two practice traditions - the other being the 'Paramitayana' or 'perfection path' - within the Mahayana philosophical approach to the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

The Vajrayana originated in Indo-Nepal-Tibet region during the Pāla period (8th to 12th centuries) and spread throughout Asia. It is believed that Vajrayana came to existance through the fusion of Mahayana Buddhism and Hindusim. Today it survives as a tradition within Tibetan Buddhism and in Japanese Shingon Buddhism. Japanese Tendai Buddhism also has some elements of esoteric Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism is very relevant in Kathmandu Nepal. The original people of Kathmandu are mainly Hindus and Mahayana Buddhists. It very clearly seen in the festivities and temples, stupas and monastries of Kathmandu how the two religions have so much in common in both rituals and deities of Tantra.

Vajrayana in also known as Tantric Buddhism. The word Vajrayana comes from Vajra:diamond/thunderbolt and Yana:path/mode/method. Vajra also denotes the male sexual organ. Therefore the Vajra is meant to signify indestructibility, impetus and creation. It deals with Tantra (magic/unreal) and Mantra (spell).

Teachers of Vajrayana are know as Vajracharya.