Texas, history/Bibliography
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- The Handbook of Texas Online - Published by the Texas State Historical Association thousands of scholarly articles on every aspect of Texas history
- Barkely, Roy R. and Odintz, Mark F., eds. The Portable Handbook of Texas (2000). 1072 pp.
- Acosta, Teresa Palomo and Winegarten, Ruthe. Las Tejanas: 300 Years of History. (2003). 436 pp.
- Barker, Eugene Campbell Charles Shirley Potts, and Charles William Ramsdell. A School History of Texas (1912) 384 pp. Solid textbook by leading scholars of the day online edition
- Campbell, Randolph B. Gone to Texas: a History of the Lone Star State (2003), 500 pages. the best scholarly history; online edition
- Dawson III, Joseph G. ed. The Texas Military Experience: From the Texas Revolution through World War II. (1995). online edition
- De Leon, Arnoldo. Mexican Americans in Texas: A Brief History 2nd ed. (1999. online edition
- De León, Arnoldo, and Gregg Cantrell. The History of Texas (2002) online edition
- Fehrenbach, T. R. Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans. (2nd ed 2000). 767 pp. excerpt and text search
- Haley, James L. Passionate Nation: The Epic History of Texas. (2006). 654 pp. popular excerpt and text search
- Hendrickson Jr., Kenneth E. Chief Executives of Texas: From Stephen F. Austin to John B. Connally, Jr. (1995) online edition
- Johnson, Francis White. A history of Texas and Texans ed. by Eugene Campbell Barker and Ernest William Winkler (5 vol 1914), 2672pp; vol. 1 (625pp) is a superior history written mostly by scholars Barker and Winkler; vol 2-5 contain biographical sketches of prominent living men; online edition
- McDonald, Archie P. Texas: A Compact History. (2007). 256 pp. excerpt and text search
- Montejano, David. Anglos and Mexicans in the Making of Texas, 1836–1986, (1987).
- Willett, David and Curley, Stephen, eds. Invisible Texans: Women and Minorities in Texas History. (2004). 236 pp.
- Wooster, Ralph A. and Robert A. Calvert, eds. Texas Vistas (1987) reprinted scholarly essays
- Alonzo, Armando C. Tejano Legacy: Rancheros and Settlers in South Texas, 1734-1900. 357 pp
- Barr, Juliana. Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands. (2007). 397 pp.
- Baum, Dale. The Shattering of Texas Unionism: Politics in the Lone Star State during the Civil War Era, (1998).
- Bell, Walter F. "Civil War Texas: A Review of the Historical Literature" Southwestern Historical Quarterly 2005 109(2): 204-232. Issn: 0038-478x
- Buenger, Walter L. Secession and the Union in Texas., (1984).
- Campbell, Randolph B. An Empire for Slavery: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1821–1865, (1989).
- Campbell, Randolph B. Sam Houston and the American Southwest (1993.
- Campbell, Randolph B., and Richard G. Lowe. Wealth and Power in Antebellum Texas (1977).
- Cantrell, Gregg. Stephen F. Austin: Empresario of Texas. (1999).
- Carroll, Mark M. Homesteads Ungovernable: Families, Sex, Race, and the Law in Frontier Texas, 1823–1860, (2001).
- Chipman, Donald E. Spanish Texas, 15(19–1821, (1992). online edition
- Chipman, Donald E., and Harriett Denise Joseph. Notable Men and Women of Spanish Texas, (1999).
- Davis, William C. Lone Star Rising: The Revolutionary Birth of the Texas Republic. (2004). 368 pp.
- De Leon, Arnoldo. The Tejano Community, 1836–(1900 (1982).
- Friend, Llerena B. Sam Houston: The Great Designer, (1954).
- Garrison, George P. Texas: A Contest of Civilizations (1903) 344 pp. online edition
- Haley, James L. Sam Houston. (2002). 512 pp.
- Hardin, Stephen L. Texian Iliad: A Military History of the Texas Revolution, 1835–1836, (1994).
- Jordan, Terry G. German Seed in Texas Soil: Immigrant Farmers in Nineteenth Century Texas, (1966).
- Kerby, Robert L. Kirby Smith's Confederacy: The Trans-Mississippi South, 1863–1865 (1972).
- Lack, Paul D. The Texas Revolutionary Experience: A Political and Social History, 1835–1836 (1992).
- Lowe, Richard G., and Randolph B. Campbell. Planters and Plain Folk: Agriculture in Antebellum Texas (1987).
- Lowrie, Samuel H. Culture Conflict in Texas, 1821–1835 (1932). online edition
- Pace, Robert F. and Frazier, Donald S. Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland to 1880. (2004). 272 pp.
- Poyo, Gerald E., ed. Tejano Journey, 1770–1850, (1996).
- Siegel, Stanley. A Political History of the Texas Republic, (1956).
- Silverthorne, Elizabeth. Plantation Life in Texas (1986).
- Smith, F. Todd. From Dominance to Disappearance: The Indians of Texas and the Near Southwest, 1786-1859. (2006). 320 pp.
- Tijerina, Andrés. Tejanos and Texas under the Mexican Flag, 1821-1836 (1994),
- Tijerina, Andrés. Tejano Empire: Life on the South Texas Ranchos (1998).
- Weber, David J. The Spanish Frontier in North America. (1992).
- Barr, Alwyn. Reconstruction to Reform: Texas Politics, 1876–1906, (1971).
- Campbell, Randolph B. Grass-Roots Reconstruction in Texas, 1865–1880 (1997).
- Clampitt, Brad R. "The Breakup: the Collapse of the Confederate Trans-Mississippi Army in Texas, 1865" Southwestern Historical Quarterly 2005 108(4): 498-534. Issn: 0038-478x
- Cotner, Robert C. James Stephen Hogg: A Biography, (1959).
- Crouch, Barry A. The Freedmen's Bureau and Black Texans., (1992).
- Jewett, Clayton E. Texas in the Confederacy: An Experiment in Nation Building (2002) online edition
- Jordan, Terry G. Trails to Texas: Southern Roots of Western Cattle Ranching (1981).
- Martin, Roscoe C. The People's Party in Texas: A Study in Third Party Politics, (1933). History of the Populist party in Texas.
- Moneyhon, Carl H. Texas after the Civil War: The Struggle of Reconstruction. (2004). 237 pp. vignettes and anecdotes
- Nunn, W. C. Texas under the Carpetbaggers. . (1962). online edition
- Olien, Roger M. and Hinton, Diana Davids. Wildcatters: Texas Independent Oilmen. (2nd ed 2007) 234 pp.
- Pace, Robert F. and Frazier, Donald S. Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland to 1880. (2004). 272 pp.
- Pitre, Merline. Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares: The Black Leadership of Texas, 1868–1900, (1985).
- Ramsdell, Charles William. Reconstruction in Texas (1910).
- Rice, Lawrence D. The Negro in Texas, 1874–1900 (1971)
- Spratt, John Stricklin. The Road to Spindletop: Economic Change in Texas, 1875–1901. (1955).
- Stewart, Kenneth L., and Arnoldo De León. Not Room Enough: Mexicans, Anglos, and Socioeconomic Change in Texas, 1850-1900 (1993)
- Utley, Robert M. Lone Star Justice: The First Century of the Texas Rangers 2002; excerpt and text search
- Brown, Norman D. Hood, Bonnet, and Little Brown Jug: Texas Politics, 1921–1928 (1984). excerpt and text search
- Caro, Robert A. The Path to Power (The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 1) (1990); Means of Ascent (The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 2) (1991)
- Childs, William R. The Texas Railroad Commission: Understanding Regulation in America to the Mid-Twentieth Century. (2005). 323 pp. it regulates oil excerpt and text search
- Cox, Patrick. Ralph W. Yarborough, The People's Senator., 2001.
- Dallek, Robert. Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908–1960. (1991). online edition
- Davidson, Chandler. Race and Class in Texas Politics. (1990).
- Dobbs, Ricky F. Yellow Dogs and Republicans: Allan Shivers and Texas Two Party Politics. (2005). 206 pp.
- Foley, Neil. The White Scourge: Mexicans, Blacks, and Poor Whites in Texas Cotton Culture (1997). excerpt and text search
- Garcia, Ignacio M. Viva Kennedy: Mexican Americans in Search of Camelot. (2000). 227 pp.
- Gould, Lewis N. Progressives and Prohibitionists: Texas Democrats in the Wilson Era, (1973).
- Green, George Norris. The Establishment in Texas Politics: The Primitive Years, 1938–1957 (1979). online edition
- Hyman, Harold M. Craftsmanship and Character: A History of the Vinson and Elkins Law Firm of Houston, 1917-1997. (1998). 658 pp.
- Johnson, Benjamin H. Revolution in Texas: how a forgotten rebellion and its bloody suppression turned Mexicans into Americans. (2003).
- Knaggs, John R. Two-Party Texas: The John Tower Era, (1961–1984 (1986).
- Lee, James Ward, et al., eds. (1941: Texas Goes to War. (1991).
- McArthur, Judith N. Creating the New Woman: The Rise of Southern Women's Progressive Culture in Texas, 1893–1918. (1998).
- Miller, Char. Deep in the Heart of San Antonio: Land and Life in South Texas (2004).
- Moore, James Talmadge. Acts of Faith: The Catholic Church in Texas, 1900-1950. (2002). 263 pp.
- Olien, Diana Davids, and Roger M. Olien. Oil in Texas: The Gusher Age, 1895–1945 (2002).
- Patenaude, Lionel V. Texans, Politics, and the New Deal (1983).
- Perryman, M. Ray. Survive and Conquer, Texas in the '80s: Power—Money—Tragedy … Hope! Dallas: Taylor Publishing Company, (1990). On (1980s
- Pratt, Joseph A. and Castaneda, Christopher J. Builders: Herman and George R. Brown. 1999. 326 pp. history of construction business
- Reston, James. The Lone Star: The Life of John Connally (1989)
- San Miguel, Guadalupe, Jr. "Let All of Them Take Heed": Mexican Americans and the Campaign for Educational Equality in Texas, 1910–1981 (1987).
- Sharpless, Rebecca. Fertile Ground, Narrow Choices: Women on Texas Cotton Farms, 1900-1940. (1999). 319 pp. online edition
- Utley, Robert M. Lone Star Lawmen: The Second Century of the Texas Rangers. (2007). 389 pp.
- Volanto, Keith J. Texas, Cotton, and the New Deal. (2005). 194 pp.
- Whisenhunt, Donald W. The Depression in Texas: The Hoover Years (1983).
Cities and regions; ethnics
- Arreola, Daniel D. Tejano South Texas: A Mexican American Cultural Province. (2002). 288 pp.
- Beeth, Howard, and Cary D. Wintz. Black Dixie: Afro-Texan History and Culture in Houston (1992) online edition
- Bixel, Patricia Bellis and Turner, Elizabeth Hayes. Galveston and the 1900 Storm: Catastrophe and Catalyst. (2000). 190 pp.
- Blackwelder, Julia Kirk. Women of the Depression: Caste and Culture in San Antonio, (1929–1939 (1984). online edition
- Blanton, Carlos Kevin. The Strange Career of Bilingual Education in Texas, 1836-1981. (2004). 204 pp. excerpt and text search
- Buenger, Walter L. The Path to a Modern South: Northeast Texas between Reconstruction and the Great Depression, (2001).
- Buitron Jr., Richard A. The Quest for Tejano Identity in San Antonio, Texas, 1913-2000 (2004) online edition
- Carlson, Paul H. Amarillo: The Story of a Western Town. (2006). 283 pp.
- Cochran, Mike, et al. West Texas: A Portrait of Its People and Their Raw and Wondrous Land (1999) online edition
- Cuéllar, Carlos E. Stories from the Barrio: A History of Mexican Fort Worth. (2003). 240 pp.
- Dysart, Jane. "Mexican Women in San Antonio, 1830-1860: The Assimilation Process" Western Historical Quarterly 7 (October 1976): 365-375. in JSTOR
- Enstam, Elizabeth York. Women and the Creation of Urban Life: Dallas, Texas, 1843-1920 (1998) online edition
- Fairbanks, Robert B. For the City as a Whole: Planning, Politics, and the Public Interest in Dallas, Texas, 1900-1965. (1998). 318 pp.
- Foley, Neil. The White Scourge: Mexicans, Blacks, and Poor Whites in Texas Cotton Culture. (1998). 326 pp.
- García, Richard A. Rise of the Mexican American Middle Class: San Antonio, 1929-1941 1991
- Gilberto, J. Quezada. Border Boss: Manuel B. Bravo and Zapata County (1999) online edition
- Guglielmo, Thomas A. "Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and the Transnational Struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas," Journal of American History, 92 (March 2006) in History Cooperative
- Hill, Patricia Evridge. Dallas: The Making of a Modern City (1996.
- Horgan, Paul. Great River, The Rio Grande in North American History (1955), Pulitzer Prize ISBN 0-03-029305-7
- McComb, David G. Houston, a History, (1981.
- Márquez, Benjamin. LULAC: The Evolution of a Mexican American Political Organization (1993)
- Matovina, Timothy M. Tejano Religion and Ethnicity, San Antonio, 1821-1860 (1995)
- Matovina, Timothy. Guadalupe and Her Faithful: Latino Catholics in San Antonio, from Colonial Origins to the Present. (2005). 232 pp.
- Miller, Char, ed. On the Border: An Environmental History of San Antonio. (2001). 291 pp.
- Phillips, Michael. White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001. (2006). 300 pp.
- Quiroz, Anthony. Claiming Citizenship: Mexican Americans in Victoria, Texas. (2005) 166 pp. excerpt and text search
- Rosales, Rodolfo. The Illusion of Inclusion: The Untold Political Story of San Antonio. (2000). 236 pp.
- Timmons, W. H. El Paso: A Borderlands History (1990).
- Treviño, Roberto R. The Church in the Barrio: Mexican American Ethno-Catholicism in Houston. (2006). 311 pp.
- Turner, Elizabeth Hayes. Women, Culture, and Community: Religion and Reform in Galveston, 1880-1920 (1997) online edition
- Zamora, Emilio; Orozco, Cynthia; and Rocha, Rodolfo, eds. Mexican Americans in Texas History: Selected Essays. (2000)). 226 pp.
Geography and environment
- Jordan, Terry G. Texas, a Geography (1984)online edition
- Meinig, D. W. Imperial Texas: An Interpretive Essay in Cultural Geography,, (1969), 145 pages.
- Miller, Char, ed. On the Border: An Environmental History of San Antonio. (2001). 291 pp.
- Schmidly, David J. Texas Natural History: A Century of Change (2002). 576 pp.
- Bailey Jr. Alvin R., and Light Townsend Cummins, eds. A Guide to the History of Texas. (1988). online edition
- Cantrell, Gregg and Turner, Elizabeth Hayes, eds. Lone Star Pasts: Memory and History in Texas. (2007). 296 pp. excerpt and text search
- Flores, Richard R. Remembering the Alamo: Memory, Modernity, and the Master Symbol. (2002). 216 pp.
- Hansen, Todd, ed. The Alamo Reader: A Study in History. (2003). 837 pp. * McLemore, Laura Lyons. Inventing Texas: Early Historians of the Lone Star State. (2004). 130 pp.
- Roberts, Randy, and James S. Olson. A Line in the Sand: The Alamo in Blood and Memory. (2001), 356 pp.
- Wooster, Ralph A. and Robert A. Calvert, eds. Texas Vistas (1987) reprinted scholarly essays
- H-TEXAS online daily discussion network
Primary sources
- Gallaway, B. P., ed. Texas, The Dark Corner of the Confederacy: Contemporary Accounts of the Lone Star State in the Civil War (3rd ed. 1994) online edition
- Sitton, Thad, ed. Harder than Hardscrabble: Oral Recollections of the Farming Life from the Edge of the Texas Hill Country. (2003). 297 pp.