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An informational catalog, or several catalogs, about French words in English.

List of French words in English

This is a list of words that retain their French spelling in English. Some of them may also feature written French accents, or be written in italics, or have a strange or little-known pronunciation in English, in any combination. Some very common words, such as 'centre' (which retains its French spelling in British English - 'center' in American) have been omitted.

The accents in the pronunciation column show stress and pronunciation (see English spellings for a table). The equals sign (=) introduces a word that has the same pronunciation (no other kind of connection is implied). Words in italics show meaning.

Click on any of the letters below to see the words beginning with that letter.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


(All French accents are included here; they are frequently omitted in English usage, and always in cases like 'deception', where the pronunciation has become completely anglicised)

à basdown with (à bas the profiteers) à-bà
abatis, abattisa defensive obstacle formed by felled trees with sharpened branches facing the enemy ábatis, abáttis
abattoirslaughterhouse ábətwar
abbéa member of the French secular clergy ábbay
absinthe[2]a green liqueur flavored with wormwood, anise, & other herbs ábsínth, ábsànth; or -t
accouchementthe time or act of giving birth acoûshmàn
accoucheurone that assists at a birth, esp. an obstetrician acoushër
à deuxprivately or intimately with only two present à-dë
adieufarewell adyë
(agent) provocateurone who incites others to some incriminating action ázhonprovoca-tër
aide(-de-camp)—a military aide or civilian aide to an executive = âid help dəcàn
aigrettea spray of feathers for the head aigrét
aide-mémoirea mnemonic or a written summary or outline of important items = âid help mém-wàr
aiguillea sharp-pointed pinnacle of rock aigwîl
aiguillettea shoulder cord worn by designated military aides aigwilét
ailerona movable airfoil on the trailing edge of an airplane wing âileron
à la cartea menu with each item's price shown separately àlà càrt
à la modefashionable, stylish; topped with ice cream àlà môde
amour propreself-esteem amorprópr
amuse-bouchea small complimentary appetizer offered at some restaurants amûse boûsh
amuse-gueulea small complimentary appetizer offered at some restaurants[3] amûse gïrl (BrE gïrl)
ancien régimea system or mode no longer prevailing ánciàrè-zhêem
aperçua brief survey or sketch; outline; immediate impression; insight aperçu
apéritifan alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer aperitêef
appellationa name for a geographical area where authorized wines are made appellâtion
aprèsafter; usually used in combination, ie, après-theater aprây
après-skisocial activity after a day's skiing apray-skì
arabesquea ballet posture, or elaborate or intricate pattern arabésk
arbitrage[4]the nearly simultaneous purchase and sale of securities or foreign exchange in different markets to order to profit from price discrepancies àrbitràzh
argotvocabulary and idiom peculiar to a certain group = Àrgo ship
arrasa wall hanging or screen of tapestry árras
arrière-banproclamation of a French king calling his vassals to arms; the body of vassals summoned áriér-bán
arrière-penséea mental reservation áriér-pànsây
arrivéone who has risen rapidly to success, power, or fame arrêevây
arrivistea new and uncertain arrival as in social position or artistic endeavor árì-vêest
arrondissementadministrative district of some large French cities; the largest division of a French department áron-dêesmon
artistea skilled adept public performer; an artistic or creative person artêest
art moderneart deco armo-dérn
art nouveaua design style of the late 19th century characterized by sinuous lines and foliate forms arnu-vô
attachéa technical expert on a country's diplomatic staff at a foreign capital ətáshay
atelieran artist's or designer's studio or workroom; a workshop ətéliây
aubadea song or poem greeting the dawn; morning music ô-bàd
aubergeinn ô-bérzh
aubergine[5]eggplant ôberzhêen
auburna moderate brown; of a reddish brown color åbərn
Aubussona figured scenic tapestry for wall hanging or upholstery ôbə-són
au courantfashionable, stylish; fully familiar, conversant ôcù-ràn
au faitto the point; fully competent; fully informed; socially correct ôh Fây
au fondat bottom; fundamentally ô-fón
au gratincovered with bread crumbs or grated cheese and browned (as under a broiler) ôgra-tán
au jusserved in the juice obtained from roasting (referring to meat) ô-zhû
au naturelcooked or served plainly; nude ônatu-rél
au paira young foreign person who cares for children in return for room and board and the opportunity to learn the family's language ô-pãir
au poivreprepared or served with a generous amount of coarsely ground black pepper, as "steak au poivre" ô-pwàhvr
au revoirgoodbye, see you again ôrə-vwàr
auteuran artist (musician or writer) or film director whose style and practice are distinctive ô-tër
avalanchea mass of snow, rock and ice descending a mountain rapidly ávalanche
avantculturally or stylistically advanced, as "avant jazz" á-vàn
avant-gardean intelligensia that develops new or experimental concepts, esp. in the arts ávàn-gàrde
avant la lettrebefore a specified name for the category existed, e.g., "Douanier Rousseau was an avant la lettre surrealist painter", i.e., before that term was invented avànlà-létrə
avenuean often broad street or road; a way of access; route ávenue
aviationthe operation of heavier-than-air aircraft; military airplanes; airplane manufacture, development, and design âvy-âshən
avoirdupois, avoir-du-poisweight; heaviness; personal weight; expressed in avoirdupois weight avrdupŏiz
badinageplayful repartee, banter bádinàzh
bagasseplant residue, as of sugarcane or grapes, left after a product has been extracted bagásse
bagatellea trifle; various games involving rolling balls into scoring areas; a short literary or musical piece in a light style bagatélle
baguettea small molding; a gem in the shape of a long narrow rectangle; a long thin loaf of French bread bagét
bain-mariea cooking utensil containing heated water in which food in smaller pots is cooked bán-marìe
balladea fixed verse form of three stanzas; a musical composition, usually for piano suggesting the epic ballad ballàde
balletdancing in which conventional poses and steps are combined with light, flowing figures, as leaps and turns; music composed for this bálay
bandeaua fillet or band for the hair; brassiere; a band-shaped covering for the breasts bandô
banderolea long, narrow flag or streamer; a long scroll bearing an inscription or a device banderôle
banlieuea French suburban housing block; suburbs containing these bàn-lyë
banquettea built-in upholstered bench along a wall bàn-két
baroquecharacterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, or flamboyance; an irregularly shaped pearl barôk, barók
barquettea small boat-shaped pastry shell barkét
barragean artificial dam; artillery fire; a vigorous projection of many things at once, as "a barrage of protests" bárràzh
batonmusic conductor's stick, policeman's hitting implement, army officer's ceremonial stick BrE bátón, AmE bətón
beau (singular), beaux (plural)[6]a dandy; a boyfriend singular, bôz plural[7]
beaucoup (slang)—great in quantity or amount; many , much, e.g., "he spent beaucoup dollars" bô-coô
beau geste (singular), beaux gestes or beau gestes (plural)—a graceful or magnanimous gesture; an ingratiating conciliatory gesture bô-zhést
beau idéal (singular)[8], beaux idéals (plural)—the perfect type or model bôwidây-ál, bôzidây-ál
beau mondethe world of high society and fashion bô-mónd
beaux artsthe fine arts bô-zàr
bèigea cloth made of natural undyed wool; a variable color averaging light grayish-yellowish brown; a pale to grayish yellow bâizh
bellea popular and attractive girl or woman; especially a girl or woman whose charm and beauty make her a favorite, ie, "the belle of the ball" = béll ring
belle époquea period of high artistic or cultural development; especially such a period in fin de siècle France bélây-pók
belles lettresliterature that is an end in itself and not merely informative; specifically, light, entertaining, and often sophisticated literature béll létra
béreta visorless, usually woolen cap with a tight headband and a soft full, flat top béray
bête noirea person or thing strongly detested or avoided; bugbear bét-nwàr
beurre blanca seasoned butter sauce (as for fish) flavored with white wine, shallots, and vinegar or lemon juice bër-blànc
beurre maniéflour and butter kneaded together used as a thickener in sauces bër-mániay
beurre noirbutter heated until brown or black and often flavored with vinegar or lemon juice bër-nwàr
béziquea card game similar to pinochle that is played with a pack of 64 cards bəzêek
bidet a bathroom fixture used especially for bathing the external genitals and the anal region BrE bêedây, AmE bidây, bidét
bizarrestrikingly out of the ordinary: odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode; involving sensational contrasts or incongruities bí-zàr, cf. bazàar shop, bə-
blancmangea usually sweetened and flavored dessert made from gelatinous or starchy ingredients and milk bləmànzh
blaséapathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment; world-weary; sophisticated, worldly-wise; unconcerned blà-zây
blousea long loose overgarment that resembles a shirt or smock and is worn especially by workmen, artists, and peasants; the jacket of a uniform; a usually loose-fitting garment especially for women that covers the body from the neck to the waist blòuz
blousona garment (as a dress) having a close waistband with blousing of material over it bloûzon
bonhomie bónóm-êe
bon mota clever remark; witticism bón-mô
bon tona fashionable manner or style; the fashionable or proper thing; high society bón-tón
bon vivanta person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially with respect to food and drink bón-vìvàn
boucléan uneven yarn of three plies, one of which forms loops at intervals; a fabric of bouclé yarn boûclây
boudina blood sausage, especially "boudin noir"; a spicy Cajun sausage containing rice and meat (as pork) or seafood boûdán
boudoira woman's dressing room, bedroom, or private sitting room boûdwàr
bouffant boûffàn
bougie boozhêe
bouillabaisse bwêeabâisse
bouillon bwêeon
boule boûle
boulevard boûlevard
boulevardier boôlə-vàrdiay
bouleversement boôlə-vérsmón
bouquet boukây
bouquet garni boukâygar-nêe
bourgeois noun and adjective bŏrzhwà
bourgeoise noun bŏrzhwàz
bourgeoisie bŏrzhwà-zì
bourguignonne, bourguignon bŏrgin-yon
bourrée bŏrây
bourride bourrìde
bourse bŏrse
boutique bootêek
boutonnière boôtoni-ére
Bouvier des Flandres Bouvier des Flandres
brasserie brásserie
brassière bráziére
bric-à-brac brícabrac
brie brìe
brioche brêe-ósh
buffet bùffay, boôfay
bureau bûro
bureau de change bûrodə-shónzh
burlesque burlésk
cabaret cábəray
cabernet franc cábernây-fràn, some AmE cábernây-fránk
cabernet sauvignon cábernâysovêen-yón
cabinet cábinet
cabotin cabotán
cabriole cabriôle
cabriolet cabriolây
cachalot cáshalót, cáshalô
cache hide = cásh money
cachepot cáshpo, cáshpót
cachet cáshây
cachou lozenge, catechu = cáshew nut
cadet cadét
café cáfè
café au lait cáfè ôh lây
café noir cafè nwàr
cahier càyay
camembert cámembér
camouflage cáməflàzh
canapé cánapè
canaille canàî
canard cánard
caprice caprìce
caramel cáramel
carrousel[9] carəssél
carte blanche càrt-blànsh
cause célèbre côze-celébrə
cerise cerìse
c'est la vie sâyla-vêe
c'est la guerre sâyla-gãir
chablis shábly
chaconne chacónne
chacun à son goût"each to his own taste" shákən-ason-goô
chagrin shágrin
chalet shálay
chamois BrE shámwà, AmE shámmy
Champagne, BrE champagne[10] shám pâin
chanson shànson
chanteusea female singer BrE shàn-tëz, AmE shán-tûz
chapeau, chapeaux plural sháppo, sháppôz
chaperon sháperôn
charabanc shárabang
charade BrE shəràd, AmE shərâde
charcuterie sharcûterie
chargé d'affaires shàrzhâydá-fãir
charivari BrE sharivàri, AmE shivarêe
charlotte shàrlot
charlotte russe shàrlot rûss
chartreuse BrE shartrëuz, AmE shartreûz
chassé shássay
chasseur shassur
châssis[11] shássy
château, châteaux plural shátto, sháttôz
chateaubriand shatôbriand
chatelain, chatelaine shátelain
chauffeur shô-fër
chef shéf
chef d'oeuvre shây-dëvr
chemin de fer card game shəmánda-fãir
chemise shəmêez
chemisette shəmeezét
chenille chənêe, chənìl
cheque—in BrE, a written order to a bank to pay money, AmE check = chéck
chequers—in BrE, a pattern of different coloured squares, AmE checkers = chéckers
cherchez la femme, chercher la femme shérchèla-fám
cheval-de-frise, chevaux-de-frise shəváldə frêeze, shəvôdə frêeze
chevalier shəválêeây
chevelure shəvəlûre
chèvre shévra
chez house = Shây person
chic shèek
chichi shêshê
chiffon shíffon
chiffonade shiffonàd
chiffonier shiffónìây
chignon shìnyon
chinoiserie shinwazerìe
choucroute shoô croût
chûte fall = shoôt shot
cigarette cigərét
cinema cínemà, cínemə
cinemathèque cínematek
cinemaphotograph cínema phôtograph
cinema verite cínema véritè
Cítroën ™ Sítrən
claque cláck
claqueur clackër
cliché clêeshây (AmE stresses 2nd syllable)
clientèle cleeontél
clique clêek
cloche clósh
Cointreau, BrE cointreau quantrô
cocotte cocót
collage cóllàzh
college cóllege
colonnade colonnâde
colporteur cólporter
comedienne comediénne
comme ci, comme ça comsêe-comsà
comme il faut comêel-fô
commode commôde
commune cómmune
communiquéofficial communication or report commûnikay
compère cómpére host, cf. compãre contrast
compote compóte
concierge cóncìërzh
confit cónfì
confrère cónfrére
concours d'élégance concordéle-gànce
conduit cóndwít
consommé consómmè
contretemps cóntratóm
coq au vin cóck ôh ván
coquette cô-két
cordon sanitaire cŏrdon sanitãire
corniche cor-nêesh
cornichon cornishón
corps army = cŏre apple
corps de ballet cŏrda-bálay
corps d'élite cŏrdây-lêet
corsage corsàzh
corsetière corsetiére
coryphé(e) coryfây
coulis, coulisse coulìsse
coup d'état coôdây-tà
coup de grace coôdəgràss
coup de théâtre[12] coôdətay-átrə
coupé coûpè
courgette[13] cŏr-zhét
couscousière cusscussiér
cortège cŏr-tézh
cravat cravát
crayon crâyón
crèche crésh
crème créme
crème anglaise cremongléz
crème brulé crembrulây
crème caramel cremcaramél
crème de cacao cremdəcacòw
crème de cassis cremdəcassìs
crème de la crème cremdəlacrém
crème de menthe cremdmónt
crème fraîche, crème fraiche cremfrâysh, cremfrésh
crèpe crèpe
crepe de chine crèpe de shêen
crèpe suzette crèpe suzét
crepon crépon
cretin crétin
crevasse crəváss
crevice créviss
cri de coeur crìdə-kër
crochet crôshây
croissant quàson
Cro-Magnon Cro-Mágnon, Cro-Mányon
crôquet crôcây
croquette crockét
croquignole cróckêen-yôle
croquis cróck-êe
croupier croôpêeây
croustade crùs-tàd
crouton croôton
cuirassier quêer-ássiây
cuisine quêe-zêen
cul-de-sac cúll de sáck
culotte culót
curé cyûrây
curetage cyùretàzh
curette, curet cyurét
dame dame
dauphinthe eldest son of the king of France dô-fán
dauphinethe wife of a dauphin dô-fêen
débâcle debàcle
débris BrE débrêe or dèbrêe, AmE dəbrêe
début dèbyû or débyû
débutant male dèbyûtàn or débyûtàn
débutante female dèbyûtànt or débyûtànt
décadence décadence
déception decéption
déclassé declássè
décolletage noun, décolleté male, décolletée female daycoletàzh, daycoletây
décor dâycor
dégringolade dây-gráng-go-làd
degustationa tasting of foods or wines in a series of small portions dây-gù-stá-ssión
de haut en bas də-ôwàn-bà
déjà vu dâyzhà-vû
deluxe, de luxe də-lúxe, də-lûxe
demoiselle dəmwazél
démimonde, demimondâine démimon-dâne
dénouement dây noûmon
département daypàrtmon
depot BrE déppo, AmE dêpo
derailleur dayrî-yër
de rigueur dərigër - hard g
dernier cri dãirny-ãir-crêe
derrière Dérry ãir
détente daytànt
de trop dətrô
digestif deezhestêef
discothèque díscoték
divorcé man, divorcée woman; divorcee eitherdivorced person divorsây; divorcêe
double entendre[14]a word or expression capable of two interpretations, with one usually being risqué doôblon-tóndrə
douche doôsh
doyen man, doyenne woman doyén
droit dwà
droit du seigneur dwàdusen-yer
du jour [15] dû-zhûr
duvet dûvay
eau de Cologne ôdaco-lône
eau de parfum ôdapar-füm
eau de toilette ôda-twà-lét
eau-de-vie ôda-vêe
éclair eclãir
éclat è-clà
éclaircissement eclaircìsmàn
élan è-làn
embouchure emboû-shûre or óm-
embourgeoisement ombŏurzhwazmón
émigré émigrè
éminence grise éminonce-grêez
en attendant ón ətóndón
en banc ón bónk
en bloc, bloc ón blóck, blóc
en brochette ón broshét
enceinte ón sánt
en clair ón Clãir
enclave énclave, ónclave
encore óncore
endive éndíve
en face ón fáss
en famille ón famì
enfant terrible ón fànté-rìbl
en fête ón fét
engagé ón gázhây
en masse ón máss
en passant--in passing: in chess, of a pawn taking a pawn that has reached the same rank as one's own only by virtue of the fact that on its first move a pawn has the option of moving two squares ón pásson
en plein ón plán
en poste ón póst
en prise ón prêez
en rapport ón rá-pŏr
en route ón roûte
ensemble ón sómbl
ensilage ón silàzh
en suite ón swêet
entente ón tónt
entente cordiale óntónt cordiàl
entourage ónturàzh
entrechat óntrəshà
entrecôte óntrecote
entrée ón trây
entremets óntrəmây
entrepôt óntrəpô
entrepreneur óntrəprənër
entresol óntrəsól
equipage ekípàzh
escarole éscarôle
esprit de corps espreedəcŏr
estaminet éstáminay
etiquette étikét
étouffée ây-toûfay
étude âytûde
etui ây-twì
euclase ëugh-clàz
exposé expôzây, cf. expôse
façade fassàd
fait accompli fétəcóm-plêe
fatigue fətêeg
faute de mieux fôte de-myə
fauteuil foe toô ê
fauve fôv
faut-naïf fôe nîgh êef
faux pas fô-pâ
fête festival = fâte destiny
fiancé man, fiancée woman fì-ànsây
figurine figurìne
fils fêece
fin de siècle"end of the century", in particular the 'naughty nineties' of the nineteenth fándəsì-éclə
finesse finésse
flamboyant flambŏyant
flânerie flánə-rìe
flâneur flanëur
flèche arrow flésh meat
fléchette flésh-ét
foie gras fwà-grà
folie à deux folìà-dë
fondant fóndàn
forte fŏrtè
foyerentrance hall in hotel, theatre or cinema fŏyèh
franc = Frank person
franc-tireur fràncti-rer
frisée, frisé frìzây
frisson frìsson
frottage frótàzh
frou-frou froû-frou
fuselage fûsilàzh
fusil fûzil
fusilier, fusileer fusilêer
fusillade fuzilàd
gaffe mistake = gáff blow, fishing
galantine galantìne
galère galére
galette galét
garage AmE gəràzh, gəràj, BrE gáràj, gáràzh or the despised gáríj
garçon gàr-són
garde-manger gàrdmàn-zhây
gastronome gástronôme
gâteau, gâteaux gáttô, gáttôz
gauche gôsh
gaucherie gôshery
gavotte gavótte
genre zhónrə
gigot zhêego
glacée glássây
gouache gouache
grandeurgreat power, rank or eminence; nobility, splendour grándure
grand malthe worst kind of epilepsy grà-mál
Grand Prixinternational motor-racing championship Gràm Prêe
grande damedignified lady gràn-dám
grangea country house with farm buildings attached grânge
gratina brown crust formed on cooked food, or the crusted food itself gratán
gratiné or gratinéeto cook au gratin; a dish cooked in that manner gratinây
grillage grêeàzh
grille lattice = gríll cook
grotesque grotésk
grotesquerie grotéskery
gruyère gruyére
guillotine gilətêen
haute cuisine ôat-kwì-zêen
haute couture ôat-coô-tûre
honi soit qui mal y pense ónny-swà-kêe-málly-pànss
hors commerce orcommérce
hors de combat ordəcom-bà
hors d'œuvre ŏr-dëvr
hotel hotél
hotelier hotélier
idée fixe êedây fêex
image ímage
impasse ímpasse, ámpasse
impromptu imprómptu
infusion ánfûzi-ón
ingénue ánzhé-nû
insouciance ánsoossi-àhnss
insouciant ánsoossi-àhn
jabot zhàbo
j'ádoube—"I adjust", said when centring a chessman on its square zhadoûb
je ne sais quoi zhənəsâi-kwà
jeté zhətay
jeu d'esprit zhëdé-sprêe
jeunesse dorée zhənéss-dórây
joie de vivre zhwàd-vìvrə
julienne juliénne, zhulién
képi = KP, kây-pêe
laissez-faire = lây sây fãir
largesse larzhéss
latrine latrìne
lavabo lavàbo
lavage lavàzh
lavaliere or lavalliere pendant lavalìer
lavalier or lavaliere microphone ləválier
layette layét
lèse-majesté lâys mázhestay
lieu lyë
lieutenant AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant
littérateur literatër
lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón
louche loôsh
lunes = loôn crazy
luthiera maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars lûtiər
luxe lúx, lûx
macabre macàbre
mâche màsh
machine məshêen
madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping
madeleine mádeleíne
mademoiselle madame wàzél
maisonette maizonét
maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél
mal de mer máldə-mér
maladroit maladrŏit
malcontent málcontént
malice málíce
malines malêen
mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín
margarine marjərìne
marionette marionét
marque type = màrk write = Màrk person
marquee = màrr kêy
marquis màrquís
marquise markêez
marron márron
māsque drama = māsk face
masquerade maskerâde
massage mássàzh
masseur BrE massër, AmE massûr
masseuse BrE massëz, AmE massûze
matinée mátinèe
mauve môve, cf. move, pronounced moôve
mayonnaise mayonnâise
Médecins sans Frontières Mâydsàn són Frontiére
mélange mây-lànzh
ménage à trois ménàzhà-twà
menagerie menádgery
menu ményu
merlon mérlon
merlot merlô
Messrs. (abbreviation of Messieurs) méssers
métier mâytiây
métis maytêess
milieu miliëü
miracledivine intervention in human affairs míracle
miragean optical effect; something illusory or unobtainable míràzh
mirepoixa sautéed mixture of diced vegetables used as a base for sauces mêerpwà
moi (first person pronoun) mwà
Monsieur Məsyər
montage móntàzh
montagnard móntanyar
moquette mokét
moresque morésque
mot juste, le mot juste mô-zhûst, ləmô-zhûst
motif motif
Mousquetaire Mousketãire
mousse moûsse
mousseline mousselìne
mousselìne de soie mousselìne de swà
moustache AmE mústásh, BrE mə-stàsh
moyen-âge mwayenàzh
musique concrète muzêek concrét
naïve nî-yêeve
naïveté[16] nî-yeevì-tây
négligee, négligé néglizhây
Nez Percé Naypãir sây, Néz-Pérss, Nézperz
niche nêesh
noblesse oblige nô bléss oblêezh
noir nwàr
nom de guerre nóm-de-gãir
nom de plume nóm de plûme
nougat nougat
nouveau nû-vô
nouveau riche noôvô-rêesh
nouvelle nuvél
nouvelle cuisine nuvél-quizêen
nouvelle vague nuvél-vàg
nuance nûànce
objet d'art óbzhâi-dàr
objet trouvé óbzhâi-troûvây
odalisque ôdalísk
oeil de boeuf oidə-bəf
oenophile ênofîle
œuvre ëvr
oubliette oûbli-ét
outré oûtrè
paillard pîàr
paillette pà yét
pain-au-chocolat pánnoshoko-là
palette pálit
panache pənásh
papier-mâché BrE pápiay-máshay, AmE pâper-məshây
papillon pápêeon
papillote pápêeot
parachute párashoot
parfait parfây
par excellence parexelónss
parole parôle
parquet pàrkây
parterre partér
parvenu pàrvən(y)û
pas de bourrée pàdə-boùray
pas de chat pàdə-shà
pas de deux pàdə-dë
pas de quatre pàdə-kátr
pas de trois pàdə-twà
passé pássè
passe-partout pàss pâr toô
pâté pátè
Pathéthique[17] patetêek
patois pátwà, rhyming with fátwà
penchant AmE pénchant, BrE pànshàn
pensee pànsây
perdu or perdue perdû
père pére
petit pətêe
petit bourgeois pətêe-bŏrzhwa
petite pətêet
petite bourgeoisie pətêet-bŏrzhwa zêe
petite sirah, petite syrah pətêet-sírə
petit four pətêe fŏur
petit-maître pətêe-métr
petit mal pətêe-mál
petit point pətêe-pwàn
pièce de résistance pì-éss də râyzêe-stànss
pied-à-terre pyédà-téər
pince-nez pánss-nây
pinot noir pêeno-nwàr
pipette pipét
pique = pêak mountain
piqué = PK, K stressed
piquet = PK, P stressed
pirogue pirôg
pirouette pirouét
pis aller pêace állây
pissoir pêeswahr
piste pêast
plage plàzh
pláteau, pláteaux plural pláttô, plátôz; in both, the second syllable is stressed in AmE
police polìce
plus ça change ploôssà-shànzh
pommée pómmây
portmanteau portmántô
poseur pô-zër
pot-pourri pôpu-rêe
pouf, pouffe, pouffet poùf, poùf, poùffay
poularde poûlarde
pourboire porbwàr
pourparler porpàrlay
pousse-café poûss-cafây
poussette poû-sét
précis prâysêe
prelude prelude
première prémiãir
prie-dieu prêe-dyü
promenade prómenàde
proneur prón-ër
protégé prôtezhây
Provençal Provonssàl
puce pûce
puisne judge = pûny small
pourboire porbwàr
pourparler porpàrlây
pourpoint porpwàn
pousse-café poosscaffây
poussette poôssét
purée pûrây
queuenoun and verb, British English for 'line' as in 'stand in line'; also 'to queue up' = cûe signal, billiards
quiche kêesh
raclette rác-lét
raconteur rácon-tër
ragout ragoû
raison d’être râizon-détrə
rapport rá-pŏr
rapporteur rapportëur
rapprochement rappróchement
ratafia ratafìa
ratatouille ratatoôêe, ratatwêe
recherché rəshãirshây
rendezvous róndâyvoô, róndivoô
renifleur rəníflër, rənì-flër, réniflër
renaissance renâisàhnss
rentier ràntêeây
repertoire répertwàr
reservoirlake, usually artificial, for preservation of water réservwar
restaurant réstərànt
restaurateur restratëur
résumé [18] rézyumây, râyzyumây, cf. resûme (rizyûme)
retroussé retroûsay
revanche revànsh
ricochet ríkəshây
riposte ripóste
risqué rískây, rêeskây
rôle part = rôll over, eat
rondure rondûre
roquefort BrE róck fŏr, AmE rôkefərt, rôkefŏrt
rosé wine ro-zây
rosette rozét
rotisserie rotíssery
roué roôwây
rougered powder for facial colouring roûzh
roulette roulét
roux roû
sabotage sábotàzh
sage sâge
salon sálon
sang-froid song-fwà
sans sáns
sans culotte sàncû-lót
sardine sardìne
sauté sôtây
sauterne, sauternes plural sô-térn
sauvignon blanc sôvêenyàn-blàn
savant(e)—learned person savànt male, savànte female
savate savàte
savoir-faire sávwà-fãir
savoir-vivre sávwà-vìvrə
séance sâyónce
serviette serviét
silhouette siluwét
sobriquet sóbrikây
soi-disant swà-dêezon
soigné, soignée swàn-yây
soiree swàray
soixante-neuf swàsont-nëf
solfège solfézh
solitaire solitãire
son et lumière sonaylumiére
sorbet sŏrbay
sortie sŏrtie
sou coin = Sûe Susan
soubise soû bêes
soubrette soûbrét
soufflé soûflây
soupçon soûpsón
sous vide, sous-vide soô-vêed
souvenir souvenìr
steak tartare, steack tartare steâk tartàre
suede fabric = swâyed sway
suite = swêet sour
suture sûture
table d’hôte tàbla-dôte
tábleau, tábleaux plural táblô, táblôz
tartar(e) (sauce) tartàr
tarte tatin tàrt tà-tán
terrine terrìne
tête-à-tête tétà-tét
-tionforming nouns shən
toque, toque blanche toque, toque blanche
torque torque
torsades de pointesa medical condition involving rapid heartbeat torsád-də-pwànt
touché tooshây
tour de force toûr de fŏrce
Tour de France Toûr de Frànce
tourniquet BrE toûrnikây, AmE türnikit
travail travâil
triage trîage
triste trêest
trompe l'œil trómp-lŏy
troûsseau trûsô (either stressed)
trouvaille trouvaî
trouvère trouvére
unique yunêek
urine yùrín
valise vəlêez
vase BrE vàz, AmE vâce, vâze
velocipede velócipede
vermouth BrE vërməth, AmE vr-moôth
vice vîce
vichyssoise vishyswàz
vignette veenyét
village víllij
vingt-et-un blackjack vántayán
vis-à-vis víza-vêe, vêezà-vêe
visage vízij
vive...[19] vêev
voilà vwà-là
vol-au-vent vóllow-vón
voyageur vŏyázh-ër, vwŷázh-ër
voyeur vŏy-ër, vwŷ-ër


  1. Ideally, final -n nasalises the preceding vowel, but some just pronounce the n.
  2. An English variant is absinth.
  3. "Amuse-bouche" is more commonly used in English-language restaurants than in France, where "amuse-gueule" is frequently used.
  4. Arbitrageur (arbitrazhër) does not exist in French.
  5. British English; egg plant in American.
  6. The spelling beaus is not correct in French but is frequent in English.
  7. In French, the singular and plural are pronounced the same (bô).
  8. Correct French for this would be bel idéal; the phrase "Beau Ideal" was popularized in English after being the title of a 1931 film, itself the sequel to another popular film called "Beau Geste"
  9. Carousel, with a single r, is more freguent in English.
  10. Also BrE champâign with the meaning 'open country'.
  11. Generally spelled chassis.
  12. 'Theatre' outside this phrase has no accents and is pronounced thêeətər.
  13. British English; zucchini in American.
  14. Correct French for this is sous-entendre, an "under-understanding" rather than "double understanding"
  15. Used only in expressions with a preceeding noun: soupe du jour, buzzword du jour, starlet du jour, etc.
  16. There is also the anglicisation naìvity, nà-ìvity.
  17. Used as a title for musical works including, most famously, Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony, retaining the original meaning of pathos, in contrast to 'pathetic'.
  18. The second accent (not usually both) is often used to avoid confusion with resûme.
  19. Used only in expressions with a following noun: vive le roi, vive la France, vive la différence, etc.