
3500 BC(E) - The Obelisk is created by Egyptians, and possibly previously by Sumerians.
1500 BC(E) - The Sundial/Shadow Clock built by Egyptians
1500 BC(E) - One of the earliest water clocks is buried in the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Ahemhotep I
500 - 100 BC(E) - Romans and the Greeks improve water clocks through mechanics (bells, gongs, doors -- ways to attempt flow regulation)
325 BC(E) - clepsydras' ("water theives") are used by the Greeks
30 BC(E) - Vitruvius describes 13 different types of sundial styles in Greece, Asia Minor, and Italy[1]
1 BC(E) - Andronikos constructs the Horologion, the "Tower of the Windows" in Macedonia, Athens Marketplace
200 - 1300 CE (AD) - Chinese inventors modify clepsydras' to drive various mechcanisms.
725 CE (AD) - A water escapement is invented in the far east
900 CE(AD) - Pocket sundials are employed
1088 CE (AD) - Su Sung implements a water escapement in the "Su Sung clock tower". It is over 30 feet tall and very elaborately adorned.
1300s CE(AD) - Mechanical clocks appear in Italian cities, in towers.
1500 - 1510 - Peter Henlein of Nuremberg invents the spring-powered clock.
1656 - Christiaan Huygens (Dutch) invents the first pendulum clock.
- ↑ Earliest Clocks. National Instute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Retrieved on 2008-01-29.