CZ:Editorial Council Rules of Procedure/Amendment 1

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Revision as of 16:05, 4 May 2007 by imported>Larry Sanger (Members are discouraged from making even initial resolutions if the matter of the resolution concerns some matter of dispute, and no significant attempt to settle a dispute has made. ...)
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Initial resolutions

  • Members are discouraged from making even initial resolutions if the matter of the resolution concerns some matter of dispute, and no significant attempt to settle a dispute has made. Resolutions on such unexplored matters are particularly discouraged if there is no pressing policy issue that underlies the matter.
  • Any Member may make a resolution by doing these three things, in this precise order:
    1. creating a wiki page for the resolution, according to Editorial Council Resolution Guidelines, and linking to it from "Initial resolutions" as well as from Editorial Council Resolutions Complete List;
    2. posting to the Council mailing list, asking for two supporting Members; this rule applies to the Chair as it would any rank-and-file Member; and, finally,
    3. posting to the Council mailing list a message stating: "I move that the Council adopt the resolution found at <URL>." The Member must not, at that time, offer arguments in favor of the resolution.
If the Chair finds the resolution to be in order, he or she moves it from "Initial resolutions" to "Queue." Only the Chair may move the resolution in this way. The Chair can move his or her own resolutions to the queue once supported by two others. The Chair then posts a message to the Council mailing list stating, "The Chair recognizes that Resolution NNNN (<URL>) is in order and has moved it onto the Agenda. It is currently in the Queue and is not yet available for official discussion."
  • Nonmembers may not make resolutions, although they may approach any Member with a resolution and ask the Member to pursue it.
  • A resolution must be well worked out before it can be placed on the Agenda. The standards of a complete resolution are (will be) specified on Editorial Council Resolution Guidelines. To ensure that the resolution is well worked out, the resolution must be joined by at least two other Members.
  • Each new resolution should have its own wiki page, made according to the following format: "Editorial Council Resolution NNNN", where NNNN is the next resolution number according to Editorial Council Resolutions Complete List.
  • Council argumentation about the merits of a resolution is not permitted either on the wiki or on cz-editcouncil until it comes up for discussion.
  • The editor-in-chief and chief constable may, in a way to be determined, object to a resolution on grounds of improper purview.