File talk:Baile de los moros-solola.jpg/Permission

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Proof of permission uploaded by Joe Quick. Contact details of the copyright holder have been removed for privacy reasons.

From: Ignacio de Wit 
Sent: 11 Apr '07, 6.33am PDT
To: Joe Quick
Subject: Re: Su foto del Baile de los Moros

Sr. Joe Quick,

Es un gusto para mi que utlice las fotos en el site para su artículo en Citizendium. Si estuviese
interesado, tengo mas fotos del mismo tema, tomadas durante la Feria de Sololá en Agosto de 2006
en el altiplano de Guatemala.


Ignacio de Wit


Mr. Joe Quick,

It is a pleasure for me that you use the photos on this site for your article on Citizendium.  If you 
are interested, I have more photos of the same theme, taken during the Fair in Sololá in August of 2006 
in the highlands of Guatemala.

Ignacio de Wit