
Shichigon-zekku (七言絶句) is the Japanese term for a poetry verse form (often of Chinese origin) consisting of four phrases each seven Chinese characters (kanji - 漢字) in length.
Shichigon-zekku are the most common form of classical Chinese poems (kanshi - 漢詩), and the standard form of shigin (Japanese chanted poetry).
In composing Shichigon-zekku, the character of the phrases (zekku) is important. The rule is as follows:
- First phrase (kiku - 起句): Depiction of the scene
- Second phrase (shoku - 承句): Add further illustration and detail to the kiku
- Third phrase (tenku - 転句): By changing the scene of action, reveal the true essence of the poem
- Fourth phrase (kekku - 結句): In assimilating the tenku draw together and complete the poem
The Japanese terms mean literally: bringing into being; understanding; changing and drawing together.
The examples below illustrate poems in Shichigon-zekku form:
江南春绝句 千里莺啼绿映江 水村山郭酒旗风 南朝四百八十寺 多少楼台烟雨中 |
Spring of the South Thousands miles of birds' singing, light green along the Yangtze river Ponds and hills circling the village with flags in the soothing wind Amid the four hundreds and eighty temples of the South dynasty How many terraces are in the misty cold rains? |
Author: Du Mu (杜牧), (803~852).
富士山 仙客来遊雲外巓 神龍棲老洞中渕 雪如丸素煙如柄 白扇倒懸東海天 |
Mount Fuji This great peak above the clouds, where legendary wizards came to work their magic In the deep pools of whose caverns holy dragons have inhabited from old When snow overwhelms, and smoke rises up like the hilt of a sword It is as if a great white fan sits inverted, in the heavens above the eastern sea |
Author: Ishikawa Jozan (石川丈山), (1583~1672).
See also
External links
- Background to Mount Fuji poem (Japanese)
- Explanation of Shichigon-zekku form and history (Japanese)