User:Oliver Hauss

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Welcome to my personal space on Citizendium. A long time ago, I started out studying chemistry. Becoming more and more interested in medical topics, I eventually specialized into biochemistry and did a german university diploma thesis employing already a lot of molecular biology techniques. Realizing that my background in this field was still lacking, I joined the graduate school at UT Southwestern Medical Center specializing in cell regulation and graduating with a Master's degree for work on prostate physiology. Further pursuing my interest in molecular oncology, I worked at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology developing new strategies for molecular colon cancer detection. For this work, I was awarded a PhD degree by the Ruhr-University of Bochum. I will soon be starting as Manager Medical & Scientific Affairs at an international diagnostics company. Since part of my tasks will be to follow scientific literature and convey the gist of it both to field agents and to some customers who might have less elaborate training, I hope for plenty of synergy between my professional work and my eventual work at Citizendium. Just give me a few weeks to get the hang of work procedures...

Areas of expertise

  • Molecular biology and biomedical sciences, especially molecular oncology
  • General chemistry


July 2003-August 2006 Doctorate Studies

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund and Ruhr-University, Bochum: Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • Dissertation “New approaches for the early detection of colon cancer –the road to molecular point-of-care diagnosis”
  • Minor: Neurobiochemistry

August 1999-May 2003 Graduate School

UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

  • Cell Regulation Program
  • Master Thesis on androgen-regulated genes in the rat prostate

October 1991-March 1999 University Diploma (equiv. Master’s degree) in Chemistry

University of Wuerzburg (Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

  • Thesis: “Characterization of a novel interaction of the 3p kinase”
  • Voluntary course “Toxicology for Chemists”, certification of expertise with hazardous substances as required by the German law.


Oliver Hauss, Oliver Müller "The protein truncation test in mutation detection and molecular diagnosis" in: Grandi, G Methods in Molecular Biology: In Vitro Transcription and Translation Protocols Second Edition, Humana Press 2007 (in press)