User:Connelly Barnes
H.B.S. Computational Physics, H.B.S. Mathematics, Oregon State University (2006), summa cum laude, GPA: 4.0/4.0.
As of 2007, pursuing M.A. and Ph.D. in Computer Science (Graphics) at Princeton University.
As an undergraduate at Oregon State, worked in Chemical Engineering with Professor Milo Koretsky as a computer programmer. I am also interested in fiction, poetry, traditional and computer art, and history.
That said, I don't consider degrees, accolades, or reputation to have anything to do with expertise, and so for this Encyclopedia's sake I'd encourage people to judge expertise by the "hacker criterion:" work done (in the given field). I otherwise find this Encyclopedia's model to be useful, as -- provided that we can determine expertise correctly -- it will help to have articles be vetted by experts, and people under their real names wish to put forth good work, so this alone should guarantee us some quality. Whether academics in addition labor under the illusion that "reputation matters" is neither here nor there.