Revision as of 12:12, 9 November 2014 by imported>John Stephenson
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Welcome to the Linguistics Workgroup. If you are not already a member of Citizendium, join here.
Articles are in various stages of development. Click 'All Articles' above for linguistics articles which may or may not have been worked on. Check Linguistics External Articles for pages that have not changed significantly from the Wikipedia versions, and Linguistics Developing Articles for those with significant work. Developed articles are those that are nearing completion.
Click on the [r] after the first definition below to edit this list of transcluded subtopics.
- Grammar (linguistics) [r]: The structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any language; alternatively, the system of language itself, i.e. the principles common to all languages. [e]
- Natural language [r]: A communication system based on sequences of acoustic, visual or tactile symbols that serve as units of meaning. [e]
- Biolinguistics [r]: An interdisciplinary field that explores human natural language’s fundamental properties, development in individuals, use in thinking and communicating, brain implementation, genetic underpinnings, and evolutionary origins. [e]
Core areas
- Morphology [r]: The study of word structure; the study of such patterns of word-formation across and within languages, and attempts to explicate formal rules reflective of the knowledge of the speakers of those languages. [e]
- Phonetics [r]: Study of speech sounds and their perception, production, combination, and description. [e]
- Phonology [r]: In linguistics, the study of the system used to represent language, including sounds in spoken language and hand movements in sign language. [e]
- Pragmatics [r]: Branch of linguistics concerned with language in use or the study of meaning as it arises from language occurring in context. [e]
- Semantics [r]: The subfield of the study of language which focuses on meaning. [e]
- Syntax [r]: The study of the rules, or 'patterned relations', that govern the way words combine to form phrases and phrases to form sentences. [e]
Fields of linguistics
- Cognitive linguistics [r]: School of linguistics that understands language creation, learning, and usage as best explained by reference to human cognition in general. [e]
- Creolistics [r]: The study of creole and pidgin languages. [e]
- Sociolinguistics [r]: Branch of linguistics concerned with language in social contexts - how people use language, how it varies, how it contributes to users' sense of identity, etc. [e]
- Evolutionary linguistics [r]: Branch of linguistics that concerns itself with how the human faculty of language evolved; multidisciplinary field involving neurolinguistics, cognitive science, anthropology and others. [e]
- Psycholinguistics [r]: Study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language. [e]
- Neurolinguistics [r]: Add brief definition or description
Language acquisition
Applied linguistics
Notable figures
Other researchers
History of linguistics
Descriptions of language
Attitudes to language and linguistic study
What can I write about?
- There is a list of linguistics articles at Core Articles - Linguistics, consisting of Wikipedia-sourced articles in need of editing, 'micro-stubs' (articles in need of expansion) and articles yet to be written. You can start, restart or expand any of these - and get credit for it! The list is copied below,.
- If you can write in other languages, you might also like to declare which one(s) at CZ:International.
Core articles
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Alphabetical article list
These may or may not have a Citizendium page; they may also have been renamed.
Language (general): Add brief definition or description
Language acquisition: Add brief definition or description
- Language family: Add brief definition or description
- Latin: Add brief definition or description
Letter (alphabet): Add brief definition or description
- Lexical phonology: Add brief definition or description
Lexical semantics: Add brief definition or description
- Lexicon: Add brief definition or description
- Lexis: Add brief definition or description
- Linguistic prescription: Add brief definition or description
- Linguistic relativity: Add brief definition or description
Linguistic typology: Add brief definition or description
Linguistics: The scientific study of language. [e]
- Locutionary act: Add brief definition or description
- Markedness: Add brief definition or description
- Michael Halliday: Add brief definition or description
- Minimality: Add brief definition or description
- Monitor Theory: Add brief definition or description
- Morpheme: Add brief definition or description
- Morphographic writing system: Add brief definition or description
- Morphological typology: Add brief definition or description
Morphology (linguistics): The study of word structure; the study of such patterns of word-formation across and within languages, and attempts to explicate formal rules reflective of the knowledge of the speakers of those languages. [e]
Multilingualism: Add brief definition or description
Natural language: A communication system based on sequences of acoustic, visual or tactile symbols that serve as units of meaning. [e]
- Neogrammarian: Add brief definition or description
- Neurolinguistics: Add brief definition or description
Noam Chomsky: Add brief definition or description
- Optimality Theory: Add brief definition or description
- Optimality theory: Add brief definition or description
Orthography: Add brief definition or description
Paleolinguistics: Add brief definition or description
Phoneme: Add brief definition or description
Phonetics: Study of speech sounds and their perception, production, combination, and description. [e]
Phonology: In linguistics, the study of the system used to represent language, including sounds in spoken language and hand movements in sign language. [e]
Pidgin (language): Add brief definition or description
- Pitch-accent language: Add brief definition or description
- Plato's Problem: Add brief definition or description
- Polish language: Add brief definition or description
Portuguese language: Add brief definition or description
- Poverty of the stimulus: Add brief definition or description
Pragmatics: Branch of linguistics concerned with language in use or the study of meaning as it arises from language occurring in context. [e]
- Prague linguistic circle: Add brief definition or description
- Preposition: Add brief definition or description
- Presupposition (linguistics): Add brief definition or description
- Prosodic hierarchy: Add brief definition or description
- Prototype theory: Add brief definition or description
Psycholinguistics: Study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language. [e]
Punjabi language: Add brief definition or description
- Ray Jackendoff: Add brief definition or description
Roman Jakobson: Add brief definition or description
Russian language: Add brief definition or description
Sanskrit: Add brief definition or description
- Sapir–Whorf hypothesis: Add brief definition or description
Second language acquisition: Add brief definition or description
- Second language: Add brief definition or description
- Semantics: Add brief definition or description
- Semiotics: Add brief definition or description
- Semitic languages: Add brief definition or description
- Sense: Add brief definition or description
- Sign (linguistics): Add brief definition or description
Sign language: Add brief definition or description
- SIL International: Add brief definition or description
- Singlish: Add brief definition or description
- Sino-Tibetan languages: Add brief definition or description
Sociolinguistics: Branch of linguistics concerned with language in social contexts - how people use language, how it varies, how it contributes to users' sense of identity, etc. [e]
Spanish language: Add brief definition or description
- Speech acts: Add brief definition or description
- Speech perception: Add brief definition or description
Spoken language: Add brief definition or description
- Stratificational linguistics: Add brief definition or description
- Stress (linguistics): Add brief definition or description
- Stress-accent language: Add brief definition or description
- Structuralism: Add brief definition or description
- Stylistics (linguistics): Add brief definition or description
- Stylistics: Add brief definition or description
- Syllabic writing system: Add brief definition or description
Syllable: Add brief definition or description
Syntax (linguistics): The study of the rules, or 'patterned relations', that govern the way words combine to form phrases and phrases to form sentences. [e]
- Systemic linguistics: Add brief definition or description
- Theoretical linguistics: Add brief definition or description
- Tone language: Add brief definition or description
- Transformational grammar: Add brief definition or description
- Translation (linguistics): Add brief definition or description
- Universal grammar: Add brief definition or description
- Unsolved problems in linguistics: Add brief definition or description
- Word (language: Add brief definition or description}
Writing system: A set of signs used to represent a language, such as an alphabet, or a set of rules used to write a language, such as conventions of spelling and punctuation. [e]
Writing: Add brief definition or description
Written language: Add brief definition or description