Board of directors/Related Articles

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< Board of directors
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Board of directors.
See also changes related to Board of directors, or pages that link to Board of directors or to this page or whose text contains "Board of directors".

Parent topics

  • Limited liability company [r]: Legal form of business company that provides limited liability to its owners. [e]
  • Management [r]: The act of directing and controlling a group of people for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing the group towards accomplishing a goal beyond the scope of individual effort. [e]


  • Chairman [r]: The highest office of an organized group such as a Board of directors, committee, or deliberative assembly. [e]

Other related topics

  • Common stock [r]: Capital stock that is secondary to preferred stock in the distribution of dividends and often of assets. [e]
  • Dividend [r]: Payment, usually from a profit, made by a corporation to its shareholder members. [e]