BAR LOCK radar/Related Articles

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< BAR LOCK radar
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about BAR LOCK radar.
See also changes related to BAR LOCK radar, or pages that link to BAR LOCK radar or to this page or whose text contains "BAR LOCK radar".

Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Active radar homing [r]: In contrast to semi-active radar homing where the missile only has a radar receiver, a missile guidance mode where the missile has its own radar transmitter and receiver allowing it to act autonomously [e]
  • Electronic intelligence [r]: Collection and analysis of electronic signals not intended to be intelligible to humans, such as radar or navigational aids [e]
  • Electronic warfare [r]: A subset of information operations that deals with the use of electromagnetic or kinetic means to degrade an enemy's military electronics systems, to be able to operate one's own electronics in the face of enemy attacks, and to evade those attacks through protection or deception [e]