The Prelude

The Prelude is William Wordsworth's great autobiographical poem, published only after his death, and extending, in its final version, to 7883 lines of blank verse.
Origins and history of the poem
Coleridge, early in his friendship with Wordsworth, became convinced that his friend could and should write a great philosophical poem. The two of them even mapped out a plan for it. Wordsworth soon began to have doubts about the undertaking, and decided that he should begin by "taking stock of himself and examining how far Nature and Education [had] qualified him for his task".[1] This was the origin of the poem. It went through half a dozen versions (see below), and remained unpublished and even without a title during Wordsworth's lifetime. Dorothy Wordsworth tended to refer to it as "the poem to Coleridge" and this is probably how William thought of it. The title by which it is now known was conferred by the poet's literary executors. The philosophical poem it was to prepare for (The Recluse) was never completed, its first published instalment, The Excursion, being so ill received by the critics, the public, and even Coleridge, that Wordsworth became discouraged.
The versions
Wordsworth was an inveterate reviser of his work, going so far as to send late alterations to the printer,[2] but the alterations to The Prelude are extensive even by Wordsworth's standards. The first draft of the poem in a form recognisably similar to the final version was completed in 1805, the last just before Wordsworth's death in 1850. In between there were three other coherent versions. The first version was in 13 books, the final one in 14 books and 7883 lines.[3]
But before the 1805 version Wordsworth had written, in 1799, a very much shorter poem, complete in itself, running to 978 lines, in two parts. All of it was incorporated in some form in the later texts. It has been argued that this version has a greater artistic unity than the sprawling poem which came out of it.[4] However, without the later poem, in whatever version, we would be lacking many of the most significant and expressive passages.
Although the poem is primarily autobiographical, it goes backward and forward in time, and contains long passages of summary and reflection.
The Books of the poem in the 1850 version are as follows, with 1805 variations, if any, shown in square brackets
- I Introduction - Childhood and School-time
- II School-time (Continued)
- III Residence at Cambridge
- IV Summer Vacation
- V Books
- VI Cambridge and the Alps
- VII Residence in London
- VIII Retrospect - Love of Nature leading to Love of Man
- IX Residence in France
- X Residence in France (Continued) [X Residence in France and French Revolution]
- XI France (Concluded) [no equivalent]
- XII Imagination and Taste, how Impaired and Restored [XI Imagination, how Impaired and Restored]
- XIII Imagination and Taste, how Impaired and Restored (Concluded) [XII Same Subject (continued)]
- XIV Conclusion [XIII Conclusion]
Features of the poem
- ↑ De Selincourt, E (ed) The Prelude (Text of 1805). Oxford university Press. Revised impression 1960. Introduction p. x
- ↑ Gill, S. William Wordsworth: A Life. Oxford University Press. 1989. p 185
- ↑ Wordsworth, J, Abrams, M, Gill, S (eds). The Prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850. W W Norton & Co. 1979. pp515-526
- ↑ Wordsworth, J. The Two-Part Prelude of 1799, in Wordsworth et al (eds). pp 567-585