Collectivist anarchism

Collectivist anarchism (also known as anarchist-collectivism or anarcho-collectivism) is a political theory inside anarchism. It's distinctive characteristics are collective ownership of property, existence of the wage system and distribution of goods according to maxim "to everyone according to their labor". To create a collectivist anarchist society activists must overthrow state system by revolution and expropriate all property. After that all means of production would be owned by collectives which use them. Workers then will have salaries based on the amount of time they contributed to production. These salaries would be used to purchase goods in a communal market.
Collectivist anarchism is mostly associated with Mikhail Bakunin, anti-authoritarian branch in the First International and the early Spanish anarchist movement.
Comparisons with communist anarchism
Collectivist anarchism is very similar to communist anarchism, and both are types of social anarchism which includes anarcho-syndicalism as well. However it also has differences. Collectivist anarchism favors the remuneration of workers labor, be it money or any other form, while communist anarchism seeks to fully abolish it. These forms of remuneration would be used to buy goods on communal markets, making collectivism similar to mutualism in this sphere.