John H. Clapham

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John G. Clapham (1873-1946) was a British economic historian. He is most notable for his monumental Economic History of Modern Britain (3 vols., 1926, 1932, 1938). Clapham was a student of Alfred Marshall, who once remarked "Clapham has more analytic faculty than any thorough historian whom I have ever taught."[1] Unlike previous economic historians who had focused mostly on the political and legal frames within which economic activity was conducted, Clapham and his followers embraced a quantitative method. Because of this shift, quantitative method became afterward the preferred approach for economic history.[2]


  1. Marshall quoted in an unsigned article, Cambridge Historical Journal 7 (1946), 115.
  2. Matthew A. Fitzsimons, Alfred G. Pundt, and Charles E. Nowell, The Development of Historiography (Harrisburg, PA: The Stackpole Co., 1954), 256.