Genetics of obesity
For the course duration, the article is closed to outside editing. Of course you can always leave comments on the discussion page. The anticipated date of course completion is 01 February 2011. One month after that date at the latest, this notice shall be removed. Besides, many other Citizendium articles welcome your collaboration! |

Begin your article with a brief overview of the scope of the article on interest group. Include the article name in bold in the first sentence.[1]
Remember you are writing an encyclopedia article; it is meant to be readable by a wide audience, and so you will need to explain some things clearly, without using unneccessary jargon. But you don't need to explain everything - you can link specialist terms to other articles about them - for example adipocyte or leptin simply by enclosing the word in double square brackets.
You can write your article directly onto the wiki- but at first you'll find it easier to write it in Word and copy and paste it onto the wiki.
Construct your article in sections and subsections, with headings and subheadings like this:
Title of Part 1
Title of Subpart 1
Title of Subpart 2
Title of Part 2
About References
To insert references and/or footnotes in an article, put the material you want in the reference or footnote between <ref> and </ref>, like this:
<ref>Person A ''et al.''(2010) The perfect reference for subpart 1 ''J Neuroendocrinol'' 36:36-52</ref> <ref>Author A, Author B (2009) Another perfect reference ''J Neuroendocrinol'' 25:262-9</ref>.
Look at the reference list below to see how this will look.[2] [3]
If there are more than two authors just put the first author followed by et al. (Person A at al. (2010) etc.)
Select your references carefully - make sure they are cited accurately, and pay attention to the precise formatting style of the references. Your references should be available on PubMed and so will have a PubMed number. (for example PMID: 17011504) Writing this without the colon, (i.e. just writing PMID 17011504) will automatically insert a link to the abstract on PubMed (see the reference to Johnsone et al. in the list.)
Use references sparingly; there's no need to reference every single point, and often a good review will cover several points. However sometimes you will need to use the same reference more than once.
How to write the same reference twice:
Reference: Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. Psychopharmacology 191:391–431 PMID 17072591
First time: <ref name=Berridge07>Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. ''Psychopharmacology'' 191:391–431 PMID 17072591 </ref>
Second time:<ref name=Berridge07/>
This will appear like this the first time [5] and like this the second time [5]
- ↑ See the "Writing an Encyclopedia Article" handout for more details.
- ↑ Person A et al. (2010) The perfect reference for subpart 1 J Neuroendocrinol 36:36-52
- ↑ Author A, Author B (2009) Another perfect reference J Neuroendocrinol 25:262-9
- ↑ Johnstone LE et al. (2006)Neuronal activation in the hypothalamus and brainstem during feeding in rats Cell Metab 2006 4:313-21. PMID 17011504
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. Psychopharmacology 191:391–431 PMID 17072591