Samuel Hahnemann/Bibliography
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List of translations & publications made by Hahnemann
From the English
- 1777. Stedtmann's Physiological, essays and observations. Leipsic. Muller.
- 1777. Nugent's Essay on hydrophobia. Leipsic. Muller.
- 1777. Falconer On water and warm baths. Leipsic. Hilscher.
- 1777. Ball’s Modern practice of physic. Leipsic. 2 vols.
- 1789. History of the lives of Abelard and Heloise. Leipsic. Weygand.
- 1790. Inquiry into the nature, causes and cure of consumption of the lungs. Leipsic. Weygand.
- 1790. A treatise on the materia medica. William Cullen. Leipsic. Schweikert. 2 vols.
- 1791. John Grigg's Advice to the female sex in pregnancy and lying in with directions on the management of children. Leipsic. Weygand.
- 1790-91. Arthur Young's Annals of agriculture. Leipsic. Crusius. 2 vols
- 1791. Donald Monro’s Medical and pharmaceutical chemistry. Leipsic. 2 vols.
- 1791. Edward Rigby's Chemical observation on sugar. Dresden. Walther.
- 1797-8. Edinburgh Dispensatory. Leipsic. Fleischer. 2 vols.
- 1797-8. W. Taplin's Equerry, or modern veterinary medicine. Leipsic. 2 vols.
- 1800. Home's Practical observations on the cure of strictures of the urethra by caustics. Leipsic. Fleischer.
- 1800. Thesaurus Medicaminum ; A New Collection of Medical Prescriptions, Distributed into Twelve Classes, and Accompanied with Pharmaceutical Remarks, etc. Leipsic. Fleischer. (This is the book of which Hahnemann wrote a preface ridiculing the body of the book...see below)
From Latin
- 1806. Albrecht von Haller's Materia medica, Leipsic. Steinaker.
From French
- 1784. Demachy's Art of manufacturing chemical products. With Struve's additions. Leipsic. Crusius. 2 vols.
- 1785. Demachy's Art of distilling liquor. Leipsic. Crusius. 2 vols.
- 1787. Demachy's Art of manufacturing vinegar. With Annotations by Struve. Leipsic. Crusius.
- 1787. Signs of the purity and adulterations of drugs. By J. B. van den Sande. Dresden. Walther.
- 1790-1 Metherie's Analytical essay on pure air, and the different kinds of air. Leipsic. Crusius. 2 vols.
- 1796. Hand-Book For Mothers. J. J. Rousseau on the Education of Infants, under the above title. Leipsic. Fleischer. Second edition in 1804.
From Italian
- 1790. Fabbroni's Art of making wine. Leipsic. Barth.
- NB. The total mass of Hahnemann's translations amount to 9400 pages in 29 years, or roughly 1 page per day.
Original Writings, Books, Essays and Magazine Articles
- 1779. Inaugural thesis. Defended August 10, 1779. Erlangen. Ellrodtianis: Dissertatio inauguralis medica, Conspectus adfectuum spasmodicorum aetiologicus et therapeuticus
- 1781 small essays published in Kreb's journal. Quedlinburg.
- 1783. Articles in the Sammlung for physicians. Leipsic. Weygand. 1783-7.
- 1784. Directions for curing old sores and ulcers, etc. Leipsic. Crusius.
- 1786. On arsenical poisoning, its treatment and judicial detection. Leipsic. Crusius.
- 1787. Treatise on the prejudices existing against coal fires ; and mode of improving this combustible, and its employment in heating bakers' ovens. Dresden. Walther.
- 1787. On the difficulties of preparing soda from potash and kitchen salt. In Crell's annals of chemistry.
- 1788. On the influence of certain gases in the fermentation of wine. In Crell's annals of chemistry. Vol. 1, pt. 4.
- 1788. On the wine test for iron and lead. In Crell's annals, vol. 1, pt. 4.
- 1788. Concerning bile and gall stones. In Crell's annals, vol. 2, pt. 10.
- 1788. Essay on a -new agent in the prevention of putrefaction. In Crell's annals, vol. 2, pt. 12. Also journal of medicine. Paris. Vol. 81.
- 1789. Unsuccessful experiments with some new discoveries. In Crell's annals of chemistry, vol. 1, pt. 3.
- 1789. Letter to L. Crell upon baryta. In Crell's annals of chemistry, vol. 1, pt. 8.
- 1789. Discovery of a new constituent in plumbago. In Crell's annals, vol. 2, pt. 10.
- 1789. Observations on the astringent properties of plants. In Crell's annals, vol., 4, pt. 10.
- 1789. Exact mode of preparing the soluble mercury. In the New Literary Adviser for Physicians, Halle, 1789, and in Baldinger's New Magazine for Physicians, Vol. 11, pt. 5.
- 1789. Instructions for surgeons respecting venereal diseases ; together with a new mercurial preparation. Leipsic. Crusius. Also in Dudgeon's translation of Lesser Writings.
- 1790. Complete mode of preparing the soluble mercury. Crell's Annals, Vol. 2, pt. 8.
- 1790. Notes to Crell on various subjects. Crell's Annals, Vol. 1, pt. 3.
- 1791. Insolubility of some metals and their oxides, in caustic ammonia. Crell's Annals, vol, 2, pt. 8.
- 1791. On the best method of preventing salivation and the destructive effects of mercury. Blumenbach’s Medical Book, Vol. 3, pt. 3.
- 1792. On the preparation of Glauber's salts according to the mode of Ballen. Crell's Annals, pt. 1.
- 1792. On the art of testing wine. Scherf's Archives of Medicine, Vol. 3.
- 1792. The friend of health. Vol, 1, Leipsic. Fleischer. Vol. 2. Leipsic. Crusius. Consists of a series of short essays on medical subjects. Dudgeon's Lesser Writings. Stapf's K1. Med. Schrift.
- 1793-99. Pharmaceutical lexicon Leipsic. Crusius. In 4 vols.
- 1793. Remarks on the Wirtemburg and Hahnemann's wine test. In the German Literary Gazette, No. 79.
- 1793. Preparation of the Cassel yellow. Erfurt. Also in Act. Academ. Scient. Erfurt. 1794.
- 1794. On Hahnemann's test for wine and the new liquor probatorius fortior. Tromsdorf's journal of Pharmacy, Vol 2. Crell's Annals, Vol. 1.
- 1795. On Crusta Lactea. Blumenbach's Med. Bibliothek, Vol. 3.
- 1796. Description of Klockenbring during his insanity. In German Monthly Magazine, February, 1796. Lesser Writings.
- 1796. Essay on a new principle for ascertaining the curative powers of drugs. Hufeland's journal for Practicing Physicians, Vol. 2, pts. 3, 4. Lesser Writings. This was the first public announcement of the new principle of Homoeopathy.
- 1797. Something about the pulverization of Ignatia beans. In Tromsdorf's journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 5, pt. 1.
- 1797. Are the obstacles to the attainment of simplicity and certainty in the practice of medicine insurmountable? Hufeland's journal, Vol. 4. pt. 4. Lesser Writings. Brit. Jour. Hom., Vol. 2.
- 1797. Case of rapidly cured colicodynia. Hufeland's Journal, Vol. 3, pt. 1. Dudgeon's Lesser Writings.
- 1798. Antidotes to some heroic vegetable substances. Hufeland's journal, Vol. 5, pt. 1. Lesser Writings.
- 1798. Some kinds of continued and remittent fevers. Hufeland's Journal, Vol, 5, pt. 1. Lesser Writings.
- 1798. Some periodical and hebdomadal diseases. Hufeland's journal, vol. 5, pt. 1. Lesser Writings.
- 1800. Preface to the Thesaurus Medicaminum. Leipsic. Fleischer. Lesser Writings. This is the preface in which he condemns the book: "the contents of this book...are the grossest imposition ever palmed upon man, a confused jumble of unknown drugs -- mostly poisons -- mixed together in what are called prescriptions...none of which possesses the qualities attributed to it... it contains a multitude of anarchical elements that totally disqualify it for any orderly action whatever... the best counsel I can give you, dear reader, is to place the main body of this book into the fire." [R E Dudgeon, Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homeopathy, London, 1853, pp.xxvii-xxviii]
- 1801. Observations on the three current methods of treatment. Hufeland's journal, vol. 11, pt. 4. Stapf’s KI. Med. Schrift.
- 1801. Essay on small doses of medicine and of Belladonna in particular. Hufeland's journal, vol. 13, pt. 2. Lesser Writings.
- 1801. Fragmentary observations on Brown's elements of medicine. Hufeland's Journal, vol. 12, pt. 2. Lesser Writings.
- 1801. View of professional liberality at the commencement of the nineteenth century. Reichs Anzeiger, No. 32. Lesser Writings.
- 1801. Cure and prevention of scarlet fever. Gotha. Becker. Edited by Buchner, and reprinted in 1844. Lesser Writings.
- 1803. On a proposed remedy for hydrophobia. in Reichs Anzeiger, no. 71. lesser writings.
- 1803. On the effects of coffee. Leipsic. Steinacker. Lesser Writings ; Am. Jour. Hom., June, 1835 ; Hom. Exam., Aug., 1840. Trans. into French by Brunnow, and published at Dresden, 1824 ; into Danish by Lund, Copenhagen,
- 1827 ; into Hungarian by Paul Balogh Pesth 1829 ; into Russian by Dr. A. Peterson ; also into Spanish and Italian; in 1855 into English by Mrs. Epps, and published in a book "Progress of Homoeopathy,' London, 1855. Trans. by W. L. Breyfogle, Louisville, Ky., 1875.
- 1805. Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis sive in sano corpore humano observatis. Leipsic. Barth. 2 parts. (The first collection of Drug Provings on the Healthy Body.) This was issued in one volume in 1834, edited by F. F. Quin, of London.
- 1805. Aesculapius in the balance. Dresden. Arnold. Lesser Writings. Brit. Jour. Hom., vol. 3. Hom. Pioneer. Schweikert's Zeitung, vol. 1, 1830. Trans. Into Danish by Lund.
- 1806. Objections to proposed substitutes for Cinchona, and to succedanea in general. In Reichs Anzeiger, No. 57. Lesser Writings.
- 1806. Concerning substitutes for quinine. Hufeland's journal, vol. 23.
- 1806. What are poisons ? what are medicines ? Hufeland's Journal, vol. 24, pt. 3.
- 1806. Scarlet fever and Purpura miliaris, two different diseases. Hufeland's journal, vol. 17, pt. 1.
- 1806. Medicine of experience. Berlin. Wittig. Hufeland's journal, vol. 22, pt. 3. Lesser Writings. Brit. Jour. Hom., vol. 1.
- 1808. On the value of speculative systems of medicine, especially in connection with the various systems of practice. Allgemeine Anzeiger. Lesser Writings. Brit. Jour. Hom., vol. 2. Hom. Exam., 1840. Am. Jour. Hom., Feb., 1835. Hom. Pioneer.
- 1808. Extract from a letter to a physician of high standing on the great necessity of a regeneration in medicine. In Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 343 Lesser Writings. Hom. Exam., Sept., 1840. Hom. Pioneer. (Letter to Hufeland.)
- 1808. Indications of the homoeopathic employment of medicines in ordinary practice. Hufeland's journal, vol. 26, pt. 2 ; also in first three editions of Organon. Dudgeon's trans of the Organon.
- 1808. On the present want of foreign medicines. Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 207. Lesser Writings
- 1808. On substitutes for foreign drugs, and on the recent announcement of the medical faculty in Vienna relative to the superfluousness of the latter. Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 327. Lesser Writings.
- 1808. Observations on scarlet fever. Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 160. Lesser Writings.
- 1808. Reply to a question about the prophylactic for scarlet fever. Hufeland's journal, vol. 27, pt. 4.
- 1809. To a candidate for the degree of M. D. Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 227. Lesser Writings.
- 1809. Signs of the times in the ordinary system of medicine. Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 326. Lesser Writings.
- 1809. On the prevailing fever. Allgemeine Anzeiger, No. 261. Lesser Writings.