Rudolf Hess

Rudolf Hess (1894-1987) was one of the early core members of the Nazi Party, originally a close aide to Adolf Hitler who transcribed the first draft of Mein Kampf, but lost influence as the party took control of the government. While he held the title of Deputy Fuehrer, he lost influence, especially to Martin Bormann. In 1941, he made an unauthorized, still not fully explained flight to Great Britain to seek a peace agreement but was interned. He was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Trial of the Major War Criminals and was the last prisoner in Spandau Prison, probably committing suicide.
Early life and influences
Serving in World War I as a pilot, afterwards, he became a university student in Munich, and was extremely interested in the geopolitical theories of Karl Haushofer. He joined the Freikorps of Franz Ritter von Epp, and engaged in combat against radicals. On the mystic and pan-German nationalism side, he was a member of the Thule Society.