Talk:Oklahoma City bombing

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Revision as of 14:44, 8 March 2009 by imported>Howard C. Berkowitz (→‎Conspiracy theories: new section)
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 Definition 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, that killed 168 people (including 19 children) and wounded more than 700. [d] [e]
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Conspiracy theories

I dislike using the term as a heading, as it's emotionally loaded. Nevertheless, CZ: Neutrality Policy certainly calls for alternate views. Here's what I removed, with references below:

==Conspiracy theories==
As with many major national incidents, a number of conspiracy theories have come into existence regarding the attack and the FBI investiagion that followed. These include accusations of a link between McVeigh and the Elohim City white nationalist compound, and accusations that the federal authorities knew of McVeigh's plans and pulled out FBI and ATF agents, leaving only civilian workers.[1]

My problem is that the theories are coming from clearly non-neutral sources. To me, neutrality policy is not just putting up the views of some advocacy sites against the mainstream position, but showing rebuttals to the allegations. In some cases, there may be no rebuttal, partially because the allegations are not terribly specific -- it's hard to respond to innuendoes. In the particular case, I believe that some of the allegations were addressed specifically in the trial, and, whether or not one agrees with the information, neutrality calls for comparing and contrasting the allegations with things established under rules of evidence in a public trial.

For that matter, some of the allegations need at least redlinks. I have never heard of Elohim City before. I would note, however, that there was a substantial amount of circumstantial connection with the Branch Davidians, possibly Ruby Ridge and with the Turner Diaries. Should these not be addressed? McVeigh never really gave his reasons.

When the issues were not addressed, there still may be counterarguments with decent sourcing. Both sides need to be present, or it's no more useful than a "trivia" section. Howard C. Berkowitz 19:44, 8 March 2009 (UTC)