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Superfunction comes from iteration of another function. Roughly, for some function and for some constant , the superfunction could be defined with expression

then can be interpreted as superfunction of function . Such definition is valid only for positive integer . The most research and appllications around the superfunctions is related with various extensions of superfunction; and analysis of the existence, uniqueness and ways of the evaluation. For simple function , such as addition of a constant or multiplication by a constant, the superfunction can be expressed in terms of elementary function. In particular, the Ackernann functions and tetration can be interpreted in terms of super-functions.


LOGOs of the Phys.Dept. of the MSU and that of Math.Dep.

Analysis of superfunctions came from the application to the evaluation of fractional iterations of functions. Superfunctions and their inverse functions allow evaluation of not only minus-first power of a function (inverse function), but also function in any real or even complex power. Historically, first function of such kind considered was ; then, function was used as logo of the Physics department of the Moscow State University [1] [2][3]. That time, researchers did not have computational facilities for evaluation of such functions, but the was more lucky than the ; at least the existence of holomorphic function has been demonstrated in 1950 by Helmuth Kneser [4]. Actually, for his proof, Kneser had constructed the superfunction of exp and corresponding Abel function , satisfying the Abel equation

the inverse function is the entire analogy of the super-exponential (although it is not real at the real axis).


The recurrence above can be written as equations

Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle S(z\!+\!1)=f(S(z)) ~ \forall z\in \mathbb{N} : z>0}
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle S(1)=f(t)} .

Instead of the last equation, one could write

and extend the range of definition of superfunction to the non-negative integers. Then, one may postulate

and extend the range of validity to the integer values larger than . The following extension, for example,

is not trifial, because the inverse function may happen to be not defined for some values of . In particular, tetration can be interpreted as super-function of exponential for some real base ; in this case,

then, at ,



Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle S(-2)=\log_b(0)~ \mathrm{is~ not~ defined}} .

For extension to non-integer values of the argument, superfunction should be defined in different way.


For complex numbers Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle ~a~} and , such that belongs to some domain ,
superfunction (from to ) of holomorphic function on domain is function , holomorphic on domain , such that



Holomorphism declared in the definition is essential for the uniqueness. If no additional requirements on the continuity of the function in the complex plane, the strip can be filled with any function (for example, the Dirichlet function), and extended with the recurrent equation. A little bit more regular approach is fitting of the superfunction at the part of the real axis with some simple function (for example, the linear function), and following extension of this step-vice function to the whole complex plane.



Chose a complex number and define function with relation . Define function with relation .

Then, function is superfunction ( to ) of function on .


Exponentiation is superfunction (from 1 to ) of function .

Quadratic polynomial

Let . Then, is a superfunction of .


Let , , . Then, tetration is a superfunction of .

Abel function

Inverse of superfunction can be interpreted as the Abel function.

For some domain and some ,,
Abel function (from to ) of function with respect to superfunction on domain is holomorphic function from to such that

The definitionm above does not reuqire that ; although, from properties of holomorphic functions, there should exist some subset such that . In this subset, the Abel function satisfies the Abel equation.

Abel equation

The Abel equation is some equivalent of the recurrent equation

in the definition of the superfunction. However, it may hold for from the reduced domain .

Applications of superfunctions and Abel functions


  1. Logo of the Physics Department of the Moscow State University. (In Russian);
  2. V.P.Kandidov. About the time and myself. (In Russian)

    По итогам студенческого голосования победителями оказались значок с изображением

    рычага, поднимающего Землю, и нынешний с хорошо известной эмблемой в виде корня из факториала, вписанными в букву Ф. Этот значок, созданный студентом кафедры биофизики А.Сарвазяном, привлекал своей простотой и выразительностью. Тогда эмблема этого значка подверглась жесткой критике со стороны руководства факультета, поскольку она не имеет физического смысла, математически абсурдна и идеологически бессодержательна.

  3. 250 anniversary of the Moscos State University. (In Russian) ПЕРВОМУ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУ СТРАНЫ - 250!

    На значке физфака в букву "Ф" вписано стилизованное изображение корня из факториала (√!) - выражение, математического смысла не имеющее.

  4. H.Kneser. “Reelle analytische L¨osungen der Gleichung und verwandter Funktionalgleichungen”. Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 187 (1950), 56-67.