G20 summits/Addendum
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Actions agreed at the first summit
By accounting standards bodies
Immediate actions by March 31, 2009
- enhance guidance for valuation of securities,
- address weaknesses in accounting and disclosure standards for off-balance sheet vehicles,
- improve disclosure of complex financial instruments by firms to market participants.
Medium-term actions
- work intensively toward the objective of creating a single high-quality global standard,
- ensure transparency, accountability, and maintain an an appropriate relationship with the relevant authorities,
- work with others to ensure consistent application and enforcement of high-quality accounting standards,
- provide enhanced risk disclosures and ongoing disclosure of all losses, and ensure that financial statements include a complete, accurate, and timely picture of the firm's activities.
On regulatory regimes
Immediate actions by March 31, 2009
- the International Monetary Fund, the Financial Stability Forum and others to develop recommendations to mitigate pro-cyclicality.
Medium-term actions
- countries to review and report on their regulatory systems, and to undertake a Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) reports,
- the appropriate bodies to review the regulation of the banking, securities, and insurance sectors and recommend improvements,
- national and regional authorities to review bankruptcy laws to ensure that they permit an orderly wind-down of large complex cross-border financial institutions,
- definitions of capital to be harmonized to achieve consistent measures of capital and capital adequacy.
On prudential oversight
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
- regulators to ensure that credit rating agencies meet the highest standards and avoid conflicts of interest, and to review their mechanisms for monitoring compliance,
- authorities to ensure that financial institutions maintain adequate capital in amounts necessary to sustain confidence,
- supervisors and regulators to speed efforts to reduce the systemic risks of CDS and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transactions, to insist that market participants support trading platforms for CDS contractst, to expand OTC derivatives market transparency, and to ensure that the infrastructure for OTC derivatives can support growing volumes.
Medium-term actions
- credit rating agencies to be registered,
- central banks to develop the liquidity supervision of, and operations for, cross-border banks.