
This article describes the mythological creature. For other uses, including extant animals, see dragon (disambiguation)
A dragon is a mythological beast widely featured in human literature and lore. There are two major divisions: the dragons of the Western and Eastern traditions. Western European dragons are usually cast as the "bad guys" in stories, while Eastern and particularly Chinese dragons are seen as more benevolent. Dragons are imagined as reptilian; European dragons are portrayed with wings, while Chinese dragons are understood to be more like large snakes.
Modern authors, particular in the fantasy genres, often develop stories in which dragons feature prominently. Occasionally there are tales in which dragons are portrayed sympathetically, some stories are even told from the dragons point of view.
European dragons
Asian dragons
The dragon has been part of human culture and imagination since prehistoric times. In the east, dragons were commonly associated with water and water deities. In China, the phoenix was the foremost of air creatures; the ki-lin or unicorn the foremost of the land creatures, and the dragon the foremost among water creatures. Earliest recorded religions contain references to dragon-like creatures; from the Babylonian Tiamat, symbol of chaos and darkness, the serpent in the Biblical garden of Eden, the Egyptian monster Apep who swallowed the sun, to the Indian naga.
In appearance, eastern dragons tend to be longer and thinner than western ones, with horse-like, whiskered heads and two horns instead of ears. They are rarely winged.
Dragons loved to collect great wealth Eastern dragons use it to adorn their beautiful underwater/underground palaces.They were often kindly toward humans. They tend to share their wealth rather than just hoard it. They are more like water spirits or deities than water hoarders who would prevent humans from having drinking water. They are often the symbol of hidden wisdom or knowledge, the teachers of sages and kings. In a single bound they could leap from earth to heaven. Eastern dragons tended to have undersea palaces, made of crystal with pillars of jade, coral, pearls, and filled with precious stones. They are often associated with magic pearls, or with a ball which they are always grasping for but is just out of reach. The ball is probably either the moon or the sun. Eastern dragons breathe clouds rather than fire, and they cause rain when they breathe out clouds and then jump on them. Their voices are "like the jingle of copper pans", and lightning flashes from their eyes. Dragons can cause severe storms and floods when they are angered. The wisest and bravest fish might become dragons, if they can jump upstream at the "dragon gate" (Lung Men) in Honan. Chinese dragons had their own government, with departments such as the Treasury of Waters, Supreme Council, Body of Dragon Ministers, Ministry of Salt Waters, and Department of Sweet Waters. They caused the water cycle to function properly.
If there was a drought, people would carry a dragon made of wood and paper, or even an embroidered banner, through the town. At each house, they would sprinkle it with water. Beside this procession, someone would run along sprinkling water from a willow branch onto the ground and proclaiming "Here comes the rain!" To prevent floods, people would throw offerings and written prayers into local bodies of water.
Apparently dragons loved to eat sparrows, and if you eat sparrows you shouldn't go near water for fear of a dragon jumping out and eating you. Like fairies, dragons were easily offended, and dangerous when so disturbed. They cause storms and floods when angry. However, they also were subject to heaven and were sometimes punished for causing extreme storms or floods. Eastern dragons often appeared as humans. They usually had wide mouths and long green beards, sometimes still having their horns. In one such story, they wore purple and carried a jade tablet. They can also alter their size, going from the size of a caterpillar to big enough to fill heaven and earth.
A dragon's lifespan is 10 000 years.
'Similarities to Naga'
The Indian Naga is similar in many ways to the Chinese dragon. There are four types of Naga, and four types of dragons:
"Heavenly Nagas" upheld and guarded heavenly palaces. " Divine Nagas" caused clouds and rain. "Earthly Nagas" cleared out and drained off rivers, and "Hidden Nagas" guarded treasures.
"Celestial Dragons" guarded and supported mansions of gods. " Spiritual Dragons" caused winds and rain. " Earth Dragons" marked out the courses of rivers and streams, while " Hidden Treasure Dragons" watched over wealth concealed from mortals.
There were also four dragon kings, each ruling over one of four seas which border the habitable earth.
Real animals
There are extant modern animals (usually lizards) called 'dragons'. To find articles on any of these, please see Dragon (disambiguation).