
Phycology, a sub-topic of botany, is the academic discipline involving the study of algae. Phycologists, scientists who study algae, tend to be specialize in either diatoms or soft algae, and they tend to further distinguish their studies as either involving marine algae (those living in salt water) or fresh-water algae.
In autumn of 2008, the 20th International Diatom Symposium (IDS) was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia and attended by around 200 people. This symposium, which occurs every two years, is a key opportunity for exchange among the relatively few world experts in Phycology. On off years, when there is no IDS, the North American Diatom Symposium (NADS) is held instead. The 19th NADS was held in the autumn of 2007 at the University of Michigan; attendance at this symposium is typically around 100 people.