Romanian language

Romanian, rarely written Rumanian or Roumanian (in its own language: româna, limba română [roˈmɨna, ˈlimba roˈmɨnə]), is a Romance language spoken mainly in Romania, in Moldova and in scattered little areas across southeastern Europe (mostly in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria and Ukraine).
It is the official state language of Romania and Moldova.
- The language is called Romanian in the official use of Romania, in some unofficial uses in Moldova and in the international use.
- In Moldova, Romanian is officially called Moldovan or rarely Moldavian (in Romanian: limba moldovenească). In spite of this naming discrepancy, Romania and Moldova have nearly exactly the same standard language: the possible spelling differences are insignificant compared with those of British English and American English.
- Around the Balkanic enclaves where Romanian is spoken, the language may be called Vlach, especially by surrounding populations (for instance, βλάχικα, vlachika in Greek).
Classification and characteristics
- The structures of Romanian are absolutely and deeply Romance and very conservative compared with their Latin origins. For example, Romanian resembles much more Latin than French does. Within the Romance family, Romanian is usually classified in the Eastern Romance subgroup along with Italian, Corsican and possibly Damatian (and also, although less strikingly, with Sardinian).
- Romanian is the only Romance language of central Europe. Therefore, in some aspects, it could seem slightly original compared with the rest of the Romance languages since it does not have any territorial contiguity with them.
- Some conservative characteristics, inherited from Latin, have been helped by the geographic isolation of Romanian. For instance, Romanian is the sole Romance language which has conserved a living declension for names and adjectives, although simplified compared with the Latin one. Some Latin roots are shared only between Romanian and other peripheric, Romance languages, e.g. Latin mensa “table” > Romanian masă, Spanish and Portuguese mesa(to be compared with what has occurred in more central Romance languages: Latin tabula “table” > Italian tavola, French table, Occitan and Catalan taula...).
- Romanian has some Slavic borrowings (but they are not more important than the Germanic borrowings found in other Romance languages) and shares some structural characteristics with non-Romance languages of the Balkans, called the Balkan sprachbund (but there are also sprachbund phenomena in western Europe, similarly involving Romance and non Romance languages).
The main dialects are classified in:
- Daco-Romanian, the core group around Romania and Moldova, comprising the vast majority of the dialects and being the basis of Standard Romanian.
- Three other dialects scattered in remote patches across the Balkans:
- Aromanian (southern Balkans)
- Megleno-Romanian (southern Balkans)
- Istro-Romanian (Istria, Croatia).
Writing system
Current, Latin script
Romanian is written with an adapted version of the Latin alphabet which contains 31 letters:
It includes the following modified letters with diacritics: ă, â, î, ș, ț (in an accurate typography, ș and ț are best written with a comma below, nevertheless, because of computing input problems, this comma is often replaced by a cedilla, that produces ş and ţ). The letters q, w and y only occur in foreign words.
The pronunciation rules of Romanian are quite easy to learn and have only a few exceptions. The main difficulty is the place of the stress, which is not written and has to be learned with each word. The stress can fall on the last, on the second-to-last or on the third-to-last syllable. Each grapheme has a quite easily predictable pronunciation.
Former, Cyrillic scripts
For a long time, Romanian used to be written with the Cyrillic alphabet, since Romanian people belong to the cultural sphere of the Eastern Orthodox Church which favoured Greek or Greek-derived writing systems (as it is the case of the Cyrillic script). Nevertheless, several people intented to use the Latin alphabet, especially in the 18th century. The global shift toward the Latin alphabet occurred around 1860 as a unified Romanian state had emerged in 1859, as Romanian was beginning to be codified and as Romanians were experiencing the romantic nationalism of the 19th century, voluntarily bringing their language to its Latin origins and to other Romance languages. In the Soviet Union, however, Romanian-speaking communities were forced to use a new, russified Cyrillic script between 1938 and 1989, especially in Moldova, that had been annexed to the USSR in 1940 (simultaneously, the Soviet power considered "Moldovan" as a distinct language from Romanian). Moldova has restored the common Latin alphabet since 1989, thanks to the Perestroyka (but the separatist, pro-Russian power of Transnistria, established in 1990, goes on imposing the Soviet Cyrillic script to its Romanian-speaking community).