In the prototypical form of the biological process of photosynthesis, plants and certain microorganisms capture energy from the photons in sunlight and use that captured energy as the essential primary energy source to drive a set of biochemical reactions that converts carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2) to oxygen (O2) and a carbohydrate compound, the sugar, glucose (C6H12), effectively storing energy in the sugar molecule that the photosynthetic cell can metabolize to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy currency of the cell, so-called because it can provide the energy needed to drive biochemical reactions necessary to synthesize the nutrients required to maintain the cell in a living state. Photosynthesizing cells thus convert light energy to life-sustaining chemical energy.
The living cells that photosynthesize, as autotrophs that generate their own source of food-energy, with their photonogenic food-energy-derived complement of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, directly provide a source of food-energy (e.g., vegetables, fruits) for consumption by us humans and other organisms, so-called heterotrophs, and indirectly provide a source of food-energy in the form of the non-human heterotrophs that we consume (chickens, fish). Photosynthesizing cells also supply the oxygen we need to generate our own ATP, and they consume the 'waste' CO2 produced in the process of generating ATP.
This article will describe the details of the differing photosynthetic mechanisms employed by autotrophs, and the implications of photosynthesis in biology, geology, oceanography, climatology, and other areas of importance to the life of planet Earth.
Preliminarily, the reader might refer to the following: [1] [2] [3] [4]
References Cited and Notes in Text
- ↑ Farabee MJ. (2007) What is photosynthesis? Online Biology Book
- ↑ Photosynthesis Encyclopedia Britannica Free Full-Text Article
- ↑ John Whitmarsh, Govindjee. THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PROCESS In: "Concepts in Photobiology: Photosynthesis and Photomorphogenesis", Edited by GS Singhal, G Renger, SK Sopory, K-D Irrgang and Govindjee, Narosa Publishers/New Delhi; and Kluwer Academic/Dordrecht, pp. 11-51. The online text is a revised and modified version of "Photosynthesis" by J. Whitmarsh and Govindjee (1995), published in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics (Vol. 13, pp. 513-532) by VCH Publishers, Inc.
- A comprehensive treatment of photosynthesis in a book chapter online. Includes history and research aspects. Detailed.
- ↑ Vermaas W. Introduction to Photosynthesis and Its Applications